Chapter 5 : Delia :

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   Delia Perez walked hand in hand with her boyfriend. He walked her home from school everyday. It was freezing out so he draped his coat around her. Her eyes scanned the huge houses and she breathed in the cold, fresh air.
   They were close to home but Delia didn't want it to end. To go back to the loud music, the fighting, the bullying. Even the smoke bothered her eyes terribly.
    "What's wrong?" Uriah asked.  His long black dreads fell in his face, giving his a cute but creepy look.  "Nothing why?" She faked smiled and stroked her hair. He touched her cheek with his other thumb.
   "You always get this weird look.  Shit be scaring me. You sure?"

"I'm fine Uriah." She insisted smiling at him. He grinned and flipped his dreads up. Delia got a little flutter in her heart every time he did that.
    "What you doing this weekend? "He asked biting his lips and looking her up and down.  She blushed.
   "I'm going to the mall,"
His face scrunched up,  he grabbed her arm and they stopped walking.
    "With who?" He demanded.
Delia realized that they were in front if her house.  If her brothers looked out the window and saw him grabbing her...
   "Uriah let go,  I'm going with my friends"
   He laughed and hugged her. He knew how close she was with them, she'd never do anything with Luke, Kyle or even Jason. (Although she dated him for a month in sixth grade.)
    No matter who she dated, if she got married, her job...her best friends was first. She'd been with them for ten years, they were family.
"I'm sorry I can get carried away,  you're just so beautiful I can't lose you. " Delia loved how his long twisted dreads brushed against her arms. She kissed his cheek.
   "You don't need to worry, Uriah. I promise." He sighed and kissed her setting his hands on her waist. His skin was dark brown, to Delia's liking.  But they shouldn't be kissing,  if her brothers saw...With a panicked thought she unhooked her lips from his.

  "DELIA GET YOUR STUPIDASS IN HERE!" Her older brother Ryan called from the doorway.    She waved goodbye to her boyfriend and ran in the house glaring at her brother. 
  "I'm going to my room. " She announced over the loud Spanish Rap that was playing. Angel and Harry proceeded in rolling a joints ignoring her. 
  Her oldest brother Ryan who'd just been released from jail was eating a burger.
  "Go do your homework!  And tell Uriah to keep his hands off you. "
   Delia rolled her eyes at him and hustled up the stairs two at a time. And locked her room door. A picture of her brother Danny was next to her nightstand. 
    Her mother originally had five kids: Ryan (25) Danny (22) Harry (19) Delia (17) and little baby Angel (14) who was only in eighth grade. Angel was nothing like a Angel,  her been in juvenile 13 times back and forth for stealing.  Harry been in prison once for having drugs on him but otherwise he was decent.  Ryan always got into fights with random people.  It was save to say he had a problem. He just been released from jail for fighting a McDonalds worker.
   Danny and Delia was always the good kids. Danny constantly made good grades. Got into a good collage and all the ladies loved him. Danny died two years ago,  its been a shootout at their house.  Some thugs had shot up their old house looking for Harry.  Everyone had been okay except Danny.  Her been shot multiple times in the chest.  He died before the paramedics got there.
    The thing was nobody understood Delia like Danny,  not even Mom.  She never had time,  she was always working and struggling to handle three messed up kids.  Delia tried to help her mother by cooking dinner and cleaning up while her mother worked.  Danny tried to calm them down and keep them out of trouble,  sometimes it worked.  Danny had a voice like a angel.

Delia smiled and touched her picture of him tenderly. How could she possibly take care of the them. Her mom was rarely home,  because she now worked two jobs. One at a pillow factory and one at at a Seafood Restaurant. Day by day it seemed like her mom was fading. 
   Her skin was becoming paler,  her eyes drooppier and her long beautiful hair grayer. Delia reached for her phone to call her mom to see how she was doing.  Her break would be in a few minutes. But before she could dile her number she heard a crash downstairs and shouting.
   She unlocked her door and practically stumbled down the steps. In the living room,  Ryan and Harry were fighting while Angel tried to break it up.
   "STOP! STOP! STOP! " She screamed trying to pull them apart. Somebody slapped her hard she fell on the floor. Ryan grabbed Harry by the collar and slammed him on the table expensive glass flew everywhere,  some making their self's home in Delia's arms and hands.  She hated when her brothers fought. Blood was dripping off her hands and she wiped them on her jeans.
   Standing up she saw Ryan's face flushed with red with anger.  He looked so angry that she actually shrunk back in fear.
   Ryan's hands shook violently as he raised the TV over his head. Delia knew what Ryan was gonna do before he threw it down.  No matter how much her brothers were violent,  she couldn't lose another brother. 

Not again.

"No!" She wailed and threw herself on top of Harry,  shielding him from the crash that was about to come. "Delia move!" Angel screamed. When she felt the impact she knew she'd broken something.
   Pain flared her whole body,  and she blacked out.

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