2 - Race

108 4 1

Gym class has always been a fun class for me. I love the feeling of my heart beating uncontrollably, of my pulse pounding in my ears, of the sweat on my skin. Most guys like gym, but I take that like and take it to another step. I love gym. It's the one class that everyone seems to forget that I'm the weird kid. I get picked for teams very quickly -- only after Adam, though. I am relied on. However, if there's ever a partner thing, I always end up as the kid you get stuck with because your friends ditched you. Ze and Galm are both in this class with me, but now that they're dating, I tend to be stuck with the unfortunate person in class.

Today we're going outside, because it isn't too cold yet and Coach Casey has a thing for being outside all the time. I walk with Ze and Galm, who hold hands while they talk. I ignore them, mostly because it's lovey-dovey crap today. I shake my head as we walk down to the school's track. We're racing today, I think, and I have to admit that I'm very excited. I love running. I'm good at it, exceptionally so. I rarely get beaten, and I only seem to get faster every time I race.

Coach Casey has us all gather in the middle of the track, on the green. She holds a clip board and I groan; she'll be picking the teams or partners or whatever it is. I don't know how I feel about that. There aren't too many of us today, as many clubs seem to be out for school trips and stuff. That means there'll be a tournament.

"Okay, class," Coach Casey says in a chipper tone. "Today, we're running. It's an easy day, just participate a little. We'll have a race with all of you, and then we'll narrow that down to ten, then five, then two." Everyone nods. "Good. Line up." I line up at the start line. I usually prefer being staggered, but of course, this is gym. I am at the very left, at the end. Someone steps next to me, and all I see are familiar-looking Reboks as I get into the starting position. I glance over to see Adam next to me, and before he can notice I'm looking, I look away and down the track. Everyone's ready. Coach Casey blows her whistle, and I push off.

I give one long huff and decide not to overdo it. I still have two other races for sure. I go at a steady pace that allows about four other people in front of me, none of which, suprisingly, are Adam. I cross the finish line in fifth, my body warm and ready.

The next race goes about the same way, except I finish in third. Adam ran it, as well, catching fourth place.

The last race before the one versus one was just as well, but everyone is tired. Hell, I'm tired. But I've been saving my energy for the final race, especially when I can tell that Adam is determined to win. The others gave up halfway through, and Adam and I jog comfortably to the finish. We are given water and a towel to wipe down with, and I place my hands on my head as Galm and Ze come over.

"You want to win," Galm says, and it is not a question. I nod once, glad that I'm already catching my breath. My whole body is aching, but I want this. I love this feeling of being exhausted.

"You will," Ze says simply. "Not even the famous Adam Montoya could ever beat you." A pep talk. It's the same every time I race. Not the pep talk, but the fact that they give me one. It makes me smile widely, like it's increasing my odds of winning.

After a while, Coach Casey calls Adam and I to the start. We have seven minutes left in class before we head inside to get dressed.

"Shake hands," Coach Casey instructs, and I turn to Adam. I've never faced against him like this, but now that I am, I find myself smirking. I extend my hand to him and he seems surprised by my confidence before he smirks himself and shakes my hand. Butterflies shoot through my stomach at the brief contact, but thoughts of the race ahead push that away and replace it with excitement as I get into position, my feet spaced forward and back, my fingertips on the ground, crouching.

Teenage Dirtbag (SeaChaos - REVAMPED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum