Oliver threw his hands up in utter irritation and left yelling, "Unbelievable!"

Shavanah stood there now, a barely there smile appeared on her lips. She looked thoughtfully at Elli's house on the other side of the street and then back at Oliver's. These two houses had those vibes of pushing together what was meant to be, she had seen it in the past to believe it now. And right now, her mental antenna was catching the signal of a new storm, her radar screaming out the magnitude of a new development. A development that her instincts had smelled a long while ago, the time had probably arrived. 

In moments like this, Shavanah often found herself quite the psychic and wondered if she should take this seriously and establish a business out of it.



Another week passed by. Elli was successfully avoiding Oliver and kept herself busy in work, a good thing came out of it, Chris seemed to be a little bit pleased with her and thankfully he wasn't screaming her ears off for the majority of day. 

But according to a scientist, whose name Elli couldn't remember anyhow, had said a long time ago that every action has a similar and opposite reaction... or something like that.

Here she found many opposite reactions attacking her at once, the most disturbing one of them was the way Oliver didn't even seem to notice the fact that she was ignoring him and avoiding all kinds of communication with him. It was like if she were to not exist anymore, nothing would change for that arrogant man. The realization didn't sit well with her. The sick feeling in the pit of her stomach from the morning she was about to thank and apologize to Oliver still remained and increased with each day. And it took her quite some time to finally accept to herself that indeed she was jealous, jealous of seeing Oliver with any woman. Even if for the sake of fighting with him, Elli realized that she liked him all for herself. Elli didn't like to share after all, she had been a possessive girl since forever. Her strange family always prided on that fact.

She could have brainstormed more about this whole confusing emotional turmoil that had settled heavy in her, but the second opposite reaction of her ignoring Oliver and keeping herself drowned in work was sucking the life out of her, quite literally. 

Overworking, skipping meals and sleep deprived nights were making her feel physically unwell and weak. She felt ill and out of breath most of the times, but still taking a break would mean the return of those confusing thoughts regarding Oliver that seemed outright dangerous to her, and so she kept on with her new robotic lifestyle. She even stopped her escapades in the bars and clubs of the city, fearing crossing path with Oliver again and finding him yet again with another woman. The thought even made her feel violent.

That night, Elli returned home, it was just moments before midnight. Her eyes were half closed and she walked like a zombie.

The moment she had put the key in the keyhole, a throat cleared behind her. 

Elli's tired eyes opened wide and she spun around a little too fast to see who it was, her hand was already half way inside her bag for the pepper spray. But her worn out, unrested brain couldn't take her quick movements and spun in it's own accord getting awry. Elli found herself swaying sideways, she gasped. The can of pepper spray dropped down from her hand, Elli's body followed the action right after. She blinked to push off the advances of unconsciousness, the sound of her pepper spray rolling off got her ears to perk up. 

Someone was clicking their fingers before her eyes, she watched through her blurry vision. Then that someone was patting her cheeks, it was going alright and the blur was also going away from her vision but that was until that someone slapped her hard across the cheek. 

With Or Without You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now