“Anything else Danielle?” I asked, ready to go talk to Katie.

“Just love her.” She smiled, “That’s how Liam and I have lasted so long.” She sighed.

“I’ll send him down.”

“She’s delirious!” Zayn mumbled, stalking down the stairs and heading into the kitchen to get something.

“Zayn, give me that.” I pointed to the damp washcloth in his hand. “Tell Danielle about Lexie and Niall.” That instantly made us light up, they were the cutest, and Niall is totally head-over-heels in love with Lexie.

“I can do that.” He smirked, I just knew he’d take some things way out of context and feed Danielle false information just to see what he could get her to believe. I also knew I’d have to clear things up later, but at this moment in time that didn’t matter. What mattered was calming the roaring waters between Katie and me. Clearing the obstacles so we could get back to how we were before my eighteenth birthday. I needed her to be back to the way it used to be, I missed her so much.

I took the steps three at a time, and was outside Lexie’s door in seconds. I listened for a moment and heard nothing so I knocked quietly. Nothing. I pushed open the door, and my heart stopped. I felt it crumble into a pile on top of my stomach.

“What…” I mumbled, tears forming in my eyes. “Are you kidding me, right now?” I almost screamed. “I can’t believe this!” I spat. I slammed the door, ran to the bathroom. I slammed that door behind me; I turned the lock and slid down to the floor. My back against the door and I fought back the tears. I was NOT going to cry. Not over this. It didn’t happen! I didn’t see that!

With Lexie and Niall; Lexie’s POV;

“Niall, seriously! Oh My God!” I exclaimed as we arrived the local carnival. It’s not supposed to open for another week, but everything was up, open, and on.

“I remember how you told me that you hadn’t been to the carnival in years… So I made some calls and pulled some strings and it’s ours for the next two hours. Just us, the games, the carnies, and the rides.” Niall grabbed my hand and kissed me.

“This is amazing Nia! I can’t believe you did all of this for me!” I giggled, my hand open hand flying to my mouth. Wow, I thought, I’ve definitely found me a keeper. I love this boy.

I squeezed Niall’s hand and limped to the first ride. This ride where you sit in a seat and it spins you around. I sat as close to Niall as I could, his arm slipped around me, it started up. We went in circles, the opposite way I had anticipated. By the end of the ride, I had slid to the other side of the seat and Niall was pressed up against me, our hands intertwined, light in our eyes. Smiles on our faces, laughs escaping our lips, we were high on life.

But that high ended only ten short minutes later. We had just gotten some cotton candy, and Niall had won me a giant panda, something I could check off my bucket list: Have a cute boy win me a stuffed animal at a carnival. We were sitting on one of the benches, I was leaning into Niall, as we shared the cotton candy when my phone went off.

“Hello?” I asked, completely on cloud nine.

“L-L-Lexie?” Harry sobbed into the mouthpiece.

“Harry!” I jumped to attention, Niall on at my heels. “Harry? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“K-K-Katie… She… She…” He erupted into sobs. I’ve never had any of the guys call my crying, much less Harry. He’s so strong.

“Harry give me twenty minutes, we’re on our way.” I heard Harry mumble an inaudible “okay” and I hung up.

“Babe…” I started.

“Let’s go, fill me in on the way home.” He picked me up so we’d get to the car quicker.

“I’m sorry Niall. This is still the best night in my books.” I kissed his cheek.

“It was absolutely amazing for me.” He smiled down at me. “Hey, thanks Carl! I’ll have to come back some other time to get my other hour and a half in!” Niall called to the head carnie.

“Anytime Niall! Just give me a day’s notice. You and your girl have a good night ya hear!” Carl waved.

“Thanks Carl!” I smiled.

“Welcome love!” He replied, bowing to me and offering me his hand as we pasted. I grabbed it for a moment, before Niall took off towards the car.

“You kids behave now!” Carl called, winking at us.

“Niall does he think…” I trailed off.

“It’s possible… I mean…” He stopped. “Let’s not talk about that right now.” Niall set me down on my side of the car, opened the door for me and helped me into the car.

“So fill me in?” Niall asked, once he was in the car, with it started and backing out of his parking space.

“You literally know as much as I do. Harry just called me, sobbing uncontrollably. He’s so strong.” I explained, worry etched into my features.

“Lex, perk up. Smile. Everything’s gonna be okay.” Niall’s forefinger lifted my chin to look at him, he had stopped at a light. “I promise. It’ll all work out.” He kissed me.

Harry’s POV;

After I hung up with Lexie there was a knocking on the bathroom door.

“Harry? Is everything okay?” I heard Louis’ soft voice ring.

“No.” I croaked, trying to quiet the sobs escaping my throat.

“Harry… Open the door. Talk to me.” He cooed, wriggling the doorknob.

“No Lou… I want to wait for Lex. They’re on their way back…” I sniffled, pulling out my phone and texting Lexie.

“Hazza, please?” Louis tried again.

Sighing, I opened the door enough to see him sitting outside the door.

“Harry, what’s up?” He asked, his voice solemn.

I peeked through the crack, “I’ve been better…” I replied, leaving the door cracked.

We spent ten minutes, just talking about anything but what I was dying to tell someone.

“Harry?” I heard Lexie’s voice ring throughout the house.

“I’ll get her for you.” Louis sent me a sad smile, he headed down the stairs and moments later Lexie was hobbling up the steps.

“Oh Harry!” She took one look at my swollen, red eyes, and tear stained cheeks, and she knew something was wrong. “Come with me.” She pulled me to my feet and lead me to the spare bedroom at the end of the hall.

She opened the door and let me in before her. She held up a finger and said to give her a minute. She hobbled to her room, changed into some pajamas and wobbled back into the spare bedroom.

“Now, Harry… What’s wrong.”

“Katie cheated on me…” I deflated like a balloon, I fell back onto the bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling.

"She w-what?" Lexie gaped.

"Yea… I—"

"Harry! WAIT!" I looked up to see the last person on earth I wanted to see.

Stole My HeartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя