Chapter 13 - Crazy

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Twenty steps away from the house's courtyard Avi momentarily hovered at a post. Only certain family members were allowed to pass it. Incensed at the marker, he rocked the post in the ground forwards and backwards until it easily slipped out. Then with one mighty grunt he hauled it over the boundary wall. A cow mooed noisily from beyond the wall. Avi continued a few steps up the path to the outbuilding and then moved into the shadows of the trees. Two familiar figures sat talking on a couple of charpoys facing each other. A frown crowded Avi's forehead - since when did any of his uncles have the courage to sit near the outbuilding to chat?

Suspicious, Avi raked his eyes over his uncles and the surrounding area. Hidden in the climbing ivy were three rifles stacked neatly against the wall. Three?

"Looking for me Avi or have you come to release us from our guard?" Chaz asked from behind him.

Avi pulled down his hoodie over his face. He didn't want the others to know that his bruises were no longer there.

"I've come to relieve you from guarding whist you have a break," Avi lied ducking his head slightly.

"That's strange; we got into lots of trouble with Papa last time, for bringing you here. You are the last person Papa would send," Riki said as he approached them.

"Things might have changed bro since the morning," Niki said following up behind his brother.

He guessed they were talking about the tribesmen's Sharman's threats. But why were his uncles guarding the outbuilding? That didn't make sense to Avi. How come they weren't guarding his door instead? Surely he was the one who was going to be taken away as payment? The question which really stuck in his throat was why was the lady or cat in the outbuilding more important than him? As soon as he thought it, he knew the answer. She wasn't his relative. She was the leader of the tribesmen – a bargaining chip for more land?

It was time to play dumb.

"I'd rather be indoors recovering. So if you don't want a break, I'll just go back and let Dada know you're fine." Avi turned to go, faking pain in his recovered ribs.

"Not so fast, sunny boy, you need a rest...out here," Riki walked him to a chair and pushed him into it making sure he pushed the previously injured side. "You might as well get yourself comfortable because hot tea takes a long time to drink."

All three uncles laughed and left.

Just as Avi's hand hovered over the outbuilding keys on the charpoy, Chaz appeared and grabbed them from under his hand. He smile contemptuously at Avi and then jogged backwards to the house. Avi heard a distant groan and then a shout, "Where did this hole appear from?"

Avi smiled.

With no time to waste he began his task of looking for another way into the outbuilding. Making sure no one was near or watching him, he searched around the walls of the outbuilding until he found a grilled vent the size of four bricks. Even with his growth spurts, the vent was too high. Avi, cast around for something to aid him and found an empty, overturned oil drum, which he hastily rolled to just under the vent. Once mounted, he pressed his face against the grilled vent. The overcast sky made it difficult to see into the building. Undeterred, Avi slid a hand through the grills and was rewarded with a scuttle.

"Don't be scared. It's me, Avi, remember?"

He paused for a reply but nothing came.

"I just...."

I just what? Avi thought. I just wanted to see if you are crazy?

"I just wanted to know who you are."

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