f o u r

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Smoke filled the streets. Chat looked around, inhaling the fumes from the fires that spread across Paris. His ears perked up as he heard the most heart-shattering scream.


He'd recognize that voice anywhere. Without thinking, he ran as fast as be could towards her bakery.

"Princess?!" He shouted. No response. "M-Marinette?!" Panic shot through him until he heard her voice.


Her scream came from upstairs. Chat ran up the stairs quickly. He looked around, only to find Marinette crouching on the floor, clutching her stomach.

"Princess!" He ran over to her and hugged her tight. He glanced down and his eyes widen. "Y-you're bleeding!" He looked at her with tears grazing his eyes. She gave him a sad smile.

"C-chat..." She spoke weakly. "B-before I go.."

"Go?! No, princess, please..." A tear slid down his cheek.

"I-I wanted t-to tell you..." She raised a shaky hand and stroked his cheek. "I l-love you.. Thank y-you f-for everything you done for me.."

"T-this can't be goodbye, princess. I love you to much to see you go."

He took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Don't worry kitty..." She stroked his wet cheek. "I-I'll always be with you.."

"M-mari... P-please.." He cradled her close to him, tears streaming down his face.

Just like that, her skin went cold. Her eyes stared into nothing. Her limbs went limp. Chats eyes widened. "P-princess?!" He screamed her name, no reply. His mouth went dry.

Her laugh.

Her smile.

The way she blushed when she saw him.

His princess.

His Marinette.


Adrien's eyes shot open as he lay sprawled out on his bed, body slick with sweat.


He looked around.

'It was just a dream.'


Le cri such sad

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