"So he your knew boo? You sure he cool?" She asked.

"Yeah he's cool and I think I trust them, especially after this." I grinned to myself.

"Becareful, you don't deserve another Ali."

Aiden 💭

I walked into the warehouse and everything was packed up in boxes and stored on the shelves, electronic devices were laid out, making it look more convincing, I nodded my head and walked to the back where all of the guys usually are, but only one was in there and it was Taj, he sat a table alone and smoked a blunt.

"Wassup nigga?" I asked as I sighed and sat across from him, he looked tired as he hit the blunt.

"Wassup Chino Brown" he chuckled as he hit the blunt.

"Chill out man, yall shipped that shit to Florida for me, Unc said the truck should've came earlier today."

"Yeah I handled it for you G." He yawned and rocked in the chair.

"Good looking, I was thinking about taking my girl and my daugter and moving to Florida since all my fam there, I needed someone I trust to take over for me."

He nodded and chuckled.

"Man I don't know, I just got this job and I gotta do right?"

"Word? What you doin now?"

He smirked and pulled the corner of his jacket back, so he could get to his pocket and he pulled out a bronze colored badge.

"Gotta be better with your surrounding kid."

"A cop? I always knew you was a snitch ass nigga, was just matter of time." I bit on my lip as I shook my head, he then stood over me and began arresting me, but I quickly got up and striked him in his face causing him to tip over a little.

I held him againts the wall by his collar.

"We've been coo since 11th grade man, I guess they right about snake ass niggas."

"All I gotta do is press one button and back up will come."

"Only if you have the change" I pulled out my gun and shot him in the stomach, he fell to the ground and blood filled his mouth as he choked on it.

"Die slow" I shot him in the stomach once again and took all of his belongings and left him on the floor and then I sat at the table and waited.

India 🌺🍃

It was 3am and Aiden has not made it home yet, I was ready to please him because I know he probably had a hard day. I wore lingere, purfume, had my hair curled up and I even had strawberries on deck but he hasn't arrived yet.

Suddenly I heard the door open and closed. I got excited and jumped out of the bed and met him in the living room and blood covered the white t-shirt he had on.

"A--Aid-- Aiden, what hap-- what happen" my voice cracked.

"Pack your shit we moving, we gotta go to Florida, hurry up I gotta pick up Char and Sincere."

"Wait why? What happen A?! What did you do?" I shouted.

"I killed a cop that try to lock me up, okay?" he took of the shirt and put in the trash and walked into our room.

I followed him "You did what?! What the fuck did you do?!"

"You heard me!" He grabbed suit cases and began packing our things.

"What the fuck is you doin killin an officer what is wrong with you! We got Ali to worry about and now you killing more people, the hell is wrong with Ai"

"Shhh" he held me againts the wall "Baby, imma explain everything when I get the chance but right now we need to go"

I pushed him away from me and began to pack my things.


We begin I trip to Florida. Aiden, his baby mama, Sincere and I. It felt awkard being in the car with his baby mama. I haven't talked to him since we left the apartment, but I needed answers, what triggers a man to kill an police officer. While Chardae and Sincere was asleep I thought I would ask,

"Aiden why'd you do it?"

He stayed silent and turned the radio down on low.

"I know your gonna hate me for it."

"Just tell me."

He grabbed his phone as we stopped at a red light and few seconds he passed me his phone, revealing a picture of a room full of money and drugs.

"That's what I do for a living now, alright? He was gonna snitch so I had to take his snake ass out"

"Aiden."I closed my eyes "Why are doing this? I have money, we have money, you don't need this shit."

"Were not using Ali's money alright? Do you know how suspect that's gonna look, I can make you a millionare just like he did, I can give you the luxury life, just believe me."

"Its not about the luxury life, Aiden I don't want you doing this, okay?!"

"Shh don't wake them up" he said "I know its only been a month, but do you love me?"

"You know I love you, I love you"

"Hold my hand" he said as he looked through the rearveiw mirror, I did as he asked.

"I love you and if you love me, ride for me. Can you ride for me?"

I turned to him and nodded.

Suddenly we saw red and blue lights shine behind us.

"Baby if you give it to me
I'll give it to you
I know what you want
You know I got it" 👑💏🔫💰🚬💞

- Mariah Carey and Busta Rhymes; I Know What You Want

The drama just begun 😈😤😥

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