Chapter 30

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"Babe why did she get so upset." O'Brien asked me

"Cause there's stuff in there that she doesn't want any body to see." I said cleaning up our room

"Like what? Have you seen it?" He asked

"Stuff. And yes I have seen it." I said throwing a pillow at him

"I want to know what's in there." He said

"It's just photos of family, friends, ect. Nothing big." I said even tho that box means everything to Mackenzie it has stuff her grandpa and her dad gave to her and just important things to her. I picked up mine and O'Brien's cloths and putting them in a hamper.

"Well I would love some day to see what's inside that box." He said

"Someday." I said smiling that's when I heard yelling from Mackenzie.

-Mackenzie's POV-

I went into my room after I yelled at O'Brien.

"Babe are you okay?" Sprayberry asked

"Yea everything is fine." I said grabbing a suitcase

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I'm packing." I said grabbing cloths and everything I need

"Why." He said stopping me

"Cause I need to get away I'm going somewhere I'm not leave forever just for a while." I said

"Where? How long?" He asked

"I don't know and maybe 2 weeks." I said

"You can't." He said

"I've done it before." I said true story I was upset after my grandpa died that I packed up for 2 weeks and left I went to Alaska and saw my family that lives up there. So I will most likely go up there and see them.

"What?" He asked as I grabbed cloths and changed into them and then grabbed my phone and my keys with my one suitcase and walked out of our room.

"Mackenzie don't leave." Sprayberry said

"I have to." I said

"Please." He said again

"I'm leaving and you can't do anything." I yelled and walked out. I got into my car and drove to the nearest air port.

-Bella's POV-

Shit not this again.

I ran down stairs to find Sprayberry on the floor crying

"Hey." I said

"She left me." He said

"No she left cause of O'Brien." I said pointing to Dylan

"Hey I'm sorry I looked thro it." He said

"Where is she going?" Sprayberry asked through his tears

"Most likely Alaska or South Dakota." I said

"Why?" He asked

"Cause she has family there. This has happened before she runs from them and then comes back and makes everything better." I said

"How long is she going to be gone?" O'Brien asked

"She said about 2 weeks." Sprayberry said

"She will come back trust me." I said

"You promise." O'Brien and Sprayberry said at the same time.

"I promise." I said smiling

"Okay." They said

-1 week later-

It's been a week and Sprayberry has been a wreck I can't get a hold of Mackenzie cause she most likely turned her phone off or doesn't have service. I'm hopping she gets here fast cause I can't deal with O'Brien being gone and Sprayberry freaking out saying that she ain't coming back that's all that has been out of his mouth and its getting really annoying. I've already slapped him so. Right know I'm in my room FaceTiming O'Brien. He is currently with his family for a week.

"Babe I miss you." O'Brien said

"I miss yo-" I started but my phone cut me off

"Hold on babe." I said

"Hello." I said shutting my laptop, not even looking at the contact.

"Bella!!!" Mackenzie's voice came through the phone

"Mackenzie!!!" I said back

"Where are you?" I asked

"Alaska but I'm coming home now." She said

"Really?" I asked with a big smile on my face

"Yep I am." She said back

"Thank the mother fucking lord." I said laughing

"Really it's that bad with them?" She asked

"Oh no O'Brien is with his family. And Sprayberry has been crying his eyes out saying that you ain't coming home." I said then I heard her laughing

"Well I'm coming home so." She said

"I'm excited to see you." I said

"I'm excited to see you too." She said back

"Well I'm gonna let you go call me when you get in to California." I said

"Okay sure thing." She said

"Love you bitch and miss you." I said

"Love you too bitch and I miss you to." She said back before I hung up

Sorry I haven't updated. I've just been busy so. But around 10 weeks and I will work on the book more often cause I will be on Summer break!!!!! I'm so excited but I have to get thro school first. So yea hope you guys liked it!! Comment and let me know how you guys like it. Give me feed back it would help a lot.


Is this a dreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora