Chapter 8

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I woke up in a hospital bed with wires hooked up too me but nobody was in here with me it was just me. Then O'Brien came in and saw that I was awake he was perfectly fine. What happened to me?

"Hey babe." He said a little sad. What happened?

"What's wrongs baby?" I said a little worried grabbing his hand and pulling him too me.

"Um........" He said the first thing that popped into my head was he fucked another girl OMG he fucked another girl.

"You fucked another girl didn't you?" I asked with a little tear . I felt something was wrong

"Oh God No!!!! We got into a car accident and Mackenzie got hit pretty hard. And." He
stopped OMG where is Mackenzie?

"Where is Mackenzie?" I said about to cry. Pushing O'Brien away from me so he wasn't near me.

"She didn't make it she died." He said looking down. He looked like he was about to cry.

"What?" Is all I could say I started crying then the doctor walked in and I screamed for Mackenzie. "MACKENZIE!?!?!?!??!" 

Is all I said over and over for about ten minutes. Then O'Brien came over and held me close to his chest while I cried. I lost my best friend OMG! I lost my best friend what am I going to do? She is like my everything other than Dylan but she is technically my everything. She makes me smile when I'm down. What am I going to do???

"This can't be true. This is a dream. This is a dream." I said over and over.

-end of dream

I woke up in a hospital bed and I thought about the dream I just had.

"MACKENZIE!?!?!?!?!? Please answer me??" I screamed/said. Then O'Brien came in and hugged me till I calmed down a little.

"Shhhh. Baby." He said rubbing my back

"Where is Mackenzie????" I asked waiting and preparing to cry

"She is in the other room. She is unconscious but the doctors said she will be fine." He said and I just let out s breath and thanked the lord that she wasn't died.

"Can I see her?" I asked looking at Dylan for a second

"Not yet but after the doctor says you can walk then I will take you too see her." He said

"Okay. Please get the doctor." All I wanted was to see if Mackenzie was okay.

"Let me go look for her okay." He said walking out. Then he came back in with this lady.

"Hi Isabella. I'm doctor almond." She said lookin. At a piece of paper

"Am I okay to leave this room?" I asked.

"Yes you are okay to leave this room." I started to get out of bed but she stopped me "But you have to have someone with you at all times." She said

"Okay. Can I go know?" I asked getting out do bed and then O'Brien put his arm around my waist and pulled him close

"Yes you can. May I ask why do you want to get out of her so bad?" She asked laughing a little

"I want to see . A girl named Mackenzie." I said starting to walk

"Oh okay. Well if you need in thing just get a nurse then they will contact me and I will come and check up on you." She said waved us off and I looked at O'Brien and gave this look 'where is she' and he took me right too her. I walked into her room and she was hooked up too a bunch of wires I saw Sprayberry. I kind of smiled till he looked but he had bloodshot eyes. He looked at me and then looked down. I walked over to him and rubbed his back

"She will be okay." I said still rubbing his back

"I hope so. She is my everything right know." Sprayberry said

"She is almost my everything." I said kind of smiling

"Yea well I love her too much to lose her. I don't know what I would do with out her." He said about to start crying again

"I had a dream and she died." I said but he looked up at me and started crying again. I should not have said that. "I should not have said that.

"Your okay it's just I can't afford to lose her she makes me happy all the time. She makes me smile when she smiles, laughs, talks, and things she does I just smile at everything she dose so I don't know what I would do with out her." He said looking at her and grabbing her hand and kissing it.

"I know how you feel. Mackenzie does the same. She is his crazy fire ball. And she doesn't need anybody to take care of her she can do it all on her self which I love. But I can't afford lose her either." I said starting to cry a little

"I'm going to leave you to be alone with her." He said smiling and walking out

"Mackenzie? I know you probably can't hear me but, I can't lose you. Your my sister. I don't know what I would do I would probably kill my self. Please stay with me don't give up on your life. And I know you might be thinking hey nobody will miss you. I will miss you I will probably kill my self like I said your my best friend I cbs glide you just not yet at least." I said starting to cry while I held onto her hand. I looked up and I saw the Beeper thing stopped beeping.

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