Chapter 9

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I was crying while the doctors came rushing in both of the Dylan's came in. O'Brien came over and hugged me while taking me out of the hospital room away from Mackenzie. Sprayberry came out with tears running down his cheeks

"I think it's time to go home and get some sleep." O'Brien said trying to pull us out of the hospital

"DYLAN!" I yelled when he got me out with Sprayberry behind him I think I scared them both from my yelling

"WHAT?" He yelled back

"I can't leave her if I leave her she will think I wanted to leave her I can't leave her." I said falling down to the ground

"Okay babe you just need too calm down and go home and get some sleep." He said trying to take me to the car. With Sprayberry right behind him.

-2 weeks later-

I wake up in my room which I haven't really left for about 2 weeks cause I don't know what to do with out Mackenzie's loud mouth in the house yelling. O'Brien has been working on the scorch trials so I haven't seen him lately and Sprayberry has just been distanced to everybody even Tyler Posey cause they are like best friends. It's just I can't believe that she might be gone. A couple days after the accident we left and the flew Mackenzie into LA so she can be with us and all so I have decided that I'm going to see her. I got up and I went into the bathroom and I toke a hot shower which made me happy and then I got out and got dressed which was leggings and a beacon hills tank top that has Stilinski on the back with 24 on the back and then I put my hair up into a messy bun cause I didn't really care right know and then I did eyeliner with mascara and nothing else and then I grabbed my (actually Mackenzie's Nike tenni shoes) which I stole cause I'm a great friend like that but I grabbed my phone and went to Mackenzie's room and grabbed her keys which were by her phone and I grabbed that just in case then I went down stairs and I opened the door and walked to her car and I got in and started it.

-skip car ride-

I got to the hospital. I got out and went in trying not cry but I asked the lady at the desk what room she in and she told me so I went to the room. I walked in and I saw Mackenzie with tubes and her being even more pale then usual. I went and sat down next to her and I held her hand and I just smiled remembering what we have done, how much we have both changed since we met

"Mackenzie please don't leave I need my best friend with me I can't lose you. I have been locked in my bedroom for the past 2 weeks of you being in the hospital and I don't know what to do and I haven't even seen Sprayberry but you know him he is probably finding something to get him into trouble but I don't know. I haven't seen O'Brien cause he is filming the scorch trials and you know how that goes. I have your phone and you have many missed calls. Probably people that wanted you in there movie or there show but I don't know anymore. Please give me a sign that you are still with us. Please Mackenzie. I can't lose you. I know you know that I don't know what to do. Oh and I brought your car so yea and I promise I won't crash it since I know how you are when it comes to you car. I promise I won't crash it and if I do I will buy you a new one I promise." By the time I was done with that visiting hours were over and I was crying so my makeup was smearing I probably looked like a mess. So I left and I got in her car and I cried.

-Mackenzie's POV-

I woke up in a hospital room I looked around and the doctors were in there breathing heavily

"Miss are you okay." They asked and I looked at them like what are you talking about?

"Why am I here?" I asked looking for the Dylan's

"Where are my friends?" I asked looking around for them

"Miss you got into a car accident and your friends are somewhere we don't know but you just woke up from a coma you have been in a coma for about 2 weeks so your lucky your alive." He said

"Okay thank you doctor." I said

I had to do a filler chapter so here it is.


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