Chapter Eleven

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Fridays are awesome.

Especially the Friday starting SPRING BREAK. Woo-hoo! :D

Hope your weekend is SUPER FREAKING AMAZING!!! (even if all you do is sit inside and do homework/watch Netflix).





Finn had known better than to trust Abbie. He knew from the moment she turned away without a protest that something was not right. He had known after the word 'no' came out of his mouth that she would find a way off the ship anyway.

He had already planned on her joining, knowing that there was nothing he could do to prevent her firm determination. Rather than agree when she asked, however, Finn wanted to see how far Abbie would go to accomplish her goal.

It was quite humorous thinking about her questing to find him, all the while thinking that he had no notion of her plan.

The idea would have been downright laughable had he not been considerably worried about her getting turned around in the unfamiliar marketplace. She was incredibly foolish to wander through such a busy place unattended.

Though, the more he thought about it, compared to getting kidnapped on her wedding day, nothing could be more frightening for the young girl. He then decided he would assist her, stalling frequently between the stands.

She had done a surprisingly good job at remaining hidden, and for a while he wondered if he had been wrong to assume that she'd follow him. He'd spent a particularly long time in the flowerbed, hoping that she might reveal herself.

She never did, though, and he had almost given up on waiting for her. The thought of Abbie choosing to stay on the ship made him more disappointed than he would admit.

But then Dan, poking his head outside of the curtain, made mention of a girl watching them from behind a hay bale.

"Well, she was there," he said, confusion written over his tiny features. "But, maybe I 'magined her. She was pretty, though, Uncle Finn. I bet you'da liked 'er!"

Finn smiled broadly, ruffling his nephew's light auburn hair. "Maybe you scared her! She must have thought you were too handsome." Dan beamed, chest puffing with pride.

"Why don't I go check out there, Danny? I'll bring 'er inside and you can apologize. Maybe she'll even give ya a kiss!" The little boy exploded into laughter, a brilliant pink flushing his satin cheeks.

Quietly, hoping to catch Abbie off guard, he snuck to the stack of bales on the other side of the road. Biting his inner cheek so he wouldn't laugh, he came upon her and caught her just before she bolted. She jolted upward.

He struggled to keep his composure as he whispered in her ear. Abbie stiffened under his grasp, clearly frightened, and turned on her heel to face him. A wicked grin cracked his solid composure, and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle as her blue eyes widened.

He was cruel for finding enjoyment in her confusion.

"You are quite possibly the worst person I have ever met!" Abbie's blood was still coursing violently through her veins.

Finn, unfazed by her insult, was doubled over in laughter. He slowly stood up straight, shoulders still rocking.

"You're telling me you knew the whole time?" Her question was serious, but Finn's only response was to bend over and begin his fit of laughter again. While she was glad he was not furious with her, as she had expected he would, his joking demeanor was a little annoying.

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