Another one suddenly appears in front of us, right in our faces. "That wasn't hostile at all, we didn't burn her." He says, laughing, as he disappears, and reappears a second later by the rest of his crew once more. I narrow my eyes at him, and get ready to step forward, when Arabella stops me, taking a step forward as she draws a card from her jacket pocket.

                 "Alright. I suggest you back off, we meant no harm." She says, glaring as she charges a card, throwing it a few feet in front of their group, and it explodes, not that far in front of them. "And that didn't explode on you. But be sure, the next one, I won't miss." She adds, narrowing her eyes at them, and I can't help but smile, watching her.

             "Well boys, the girl ain't so different...Oi Cap, come see this. The girl's like us." One of them calls out, as they all look at Arabella, looks of shock, and surprise across their group.

                Their group parts, and a man walks forward. He was tall, slightly above six foot, with dark skin, and dark hair. He had bright blue eyes. Looking at him, you would have never known he was the captain. He didn't wear a captain's hat, and was dressed casually in blue, blending in with the rest of his crew. He had a saber hanging from his belt, and he looked at Arabella, raising an eyebrow in question. "The girl, she's gifted?" He asks, looking at us both, and I nod warily. "Let's see it then." He adds, gesturing for her to show him.

Arabella draws a card, charging it, before tossing it away from everyone. The captain's eyes widen when it explodes, glancing from the explosion to her, and back again, smirking slightly. "So she is. It's rare for me to come across a gifted already apart of a pirate crew." He muses. "Which crew?" He asks, looking to her.

"The Sirius." She answers curtly, as she steps back towards me. I take her hand in mine, and their captain glances towards our hands, then back to her.

"This is the Fenrir, and I go by captain Lapys. I could teach you a lot, for I have gifts of my own." He adds, shooting a bright blue light up into the sky. Arabella's eyes widen as she watches him do this.

"Captain.... We don't know her. She already belongs to another crew. You don't know you can trust her." One of his crew protest, eyeing Arabella warily.

The captain holds his hand up, silencing his crew member. "She could train here, work on her magic. We don't have any gifts here similar to yours." He adds, looking at her once more.

I step forward, not liking where this is going. "She has a crew. We're her family. We really should be going." I say, and the captain's smile falters, as he narrows his eyes slightly at me. I take her hand in mine, and start heading towards the exit.

"I'm sorry, but I can't leave my crew. I appreciate it though, but I can't leave them." She says apologetically, as she lets me pull her towards the exit.

He nods, and we break out into a run. I glance back, and see another shot of blue light, not that far from us, and I pull her, as I try to run faster.

We finally reach the ship, and we don't stop running until we reach the dining room, much to the surprise of the crew. "What happened?" Cecilia asks, looking concerned, and the rest of the crew looks at us as well.

"There's an entire crew of gifted, like me, but different abilities." Arabella announces, taking a seat on one of the chairs, and I take a seat next to her. "We got the treasure though." She adds, smirking, as she sets the necklace on the table.

"The fuck. An entire crew? That's not good." Kris adds, looking at us, then at Morgan, who nods.

"The Fenrir. I've heard of them. Wasn't sure if it was true or not. Interesting." Morgan muses, taking a drink of water.

Playing for Keeps (a PIL fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now