*Twenty New Messages

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Jungkook is annoyed.

And not the type of annoyed where it's bearable, the type of annoyed where you'll literally rip your hair out if you don't find a solution.

It's been over a month. Six weeks since he last actually heard from Tae. He hasn't gotten a letter back yet and it was killing him.

He hasn't gotten his phone back in over a month, and his parents are still doing routine checks of his laptop.

And it was pissing him off.

So much to the point that he was currently sat in his bed, google open as he searched up ticket prices for a train ride to Daegu. His parents wouldn't miss him for a few days, would they?

The sound of his door knob turning sent Jungkook into a panic and he quickly shut all of his tabs, closing his laptop and racing over to his desk to pretend he was doing work.

"Jungkook?" That was his mom. His mom sounded a lot softer than usual, making Jungkook look up right away. "We need to talk."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. What had he done now? There was literally nothing he could've done. He didn't have access to enough things to do wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused as his mom stepped into his room. She fidgeted as she walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Jungkook," she began cautiously, "Are you seeing someone?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he felt his face flush. There was no way she could've found out about Taehyung. How the hell would she be able to do that. Unless she suddenly decided to take up being a stalker.

"W-Why do you ask?" He asked carefully, walking over to his bed and sitting down beside her. Sighing, his mom pulled something out of her pocket.

His phone.

Turning it so that Jungkook could see the screen, she pressed the power button, illumimating the screen and showcasing whatever Jungkook had as his lock screen before he have them his phone.

Which just so happened to be Taehyung.

You've got to be kidding me. Jungkook thought as the picture of Tae showed up along with the time. He knew he was forgetting something when he was deleting everything. It just had to be his lock screen didn't it?

Then why had they waited this long to confront him?

"At first we thought it might be some celebrity or something." She began, "But then we pieced together how you were always either texting or skyping someone who you'd never name. It's okay if you're gay Jungkook, I just wish that you would've told us."

Jungkook was dumbfounded. She was okay with it? He frowned, knowing she wouldn't be okay with how they met.

"I'm sorry."

His mom smiled.

"It's alright. What's his name?" She asked, Jungkook smiling softly in return.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." He replied.

His mom nodded.

"When can he come over so that I can meet him?" She asked, Jungkook sighing and looking down.

"Probably not soon."

"Why not?"

"He lives in Daegu."

Drama is among us

- Charlie

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