*Nine New Messages

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"*One new message from @KimTaetae:
I feel really shitty right now. Try and distract me?"

Jungkook frowned at the message and pushed aside his math textbook.

"What happened Tae?" He responded, feeling worried about the older male.

He got a reply a few minutes later.

"I don't want you to get mad at me..."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. It had been two months since the two started talking and Jungkook had never once gotten mad at Tae. Why would the other be so worried.

"I promise I won't. Seriously what wrong Tae? You're worrying me.."

It took quite awhile for Tae to respond, Jungkook could've returned to doing his homework, but instead his eyes stayed glued to his phone screen.

He finally responded.

"I'm.. Gay. Please don't think of me differently. I recently told my parents and they didn't take it so well, please don't hate me too Kookie."

Jungkook swore he felt his heart stop when he read the message. Tae couldn't possibly believe Jungkook could hate him, could he? The younger typed back his message.

"Tae, I could never hate you. Besides, if I hated you because you were gay, that would be pretty hypocritical of me considering that I am too."

He pressed send and let out a breath.

"Thank you. I really do like you, you know that right?"

Tae's response made his heart flutter and he smiled softly to himself.

I'm getting super hyped for christmas yesss.

- Charlie

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