*Eleven New Messages

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"*One new message from @KimTaetae:
You totally want to know the joke I told today. Trust me it's pretty great."

Jungkook giggled and leaned against his locker, unlocking his phone to reply to his current source of smiles.

"Do I really? Okay, fire away." He typed back, hitting send and grinning down at his phone.

"Who are you always texting?" Jungkook snapped his head up and was met with Park Jimin, the person who he was kind of reluctantly going to the movies with in a few days.

Jungkook shrugged.

"My friend, Tae." He answered nonchalantly, shrugging. He refrained from telling Jimin that he'd rather go to the movies with Tae than him, because he thought that might sound rude.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"I've never heard of a Tae before, are they a boy or girl?"

"Boy." Jungkook answered then pulling his phone back out when it vibrated, starting to walk out the school doors with Jimin.

"*Two new messages from @KimTaetae:
Want to hear a joke about starches?

Nevermind, it's kind of corny."

Jungkook snorted at the messages, making Jimin attempt to sneak a curious look at the screen.

"You're a comedian Tae." Jungkook typed back, smiling when he got a message back right away.

"Believe me, I know."

I have so many books in the world and I constantly question myself about it every day.

- Charlie

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