Too Far

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As everyone came back inside the house to dry off and clean up, you made your way to your room. Picking out a fluffy onesie and some under garments you proceeding to the shower. Being the only girl in the house had it's perks. You didn't have to share a shower while the boys were going to have to buddy up in the two remaining showers. Guess Arin wasn't the only one starting D clubs. (Game grumps reference, egoraptor) The thought made you snicker like a school girl. "I'll be in the shower if anyone needs me!" You yelled out as you closed the door behind you.

Faintly you could hear Jack yell back to you, but you couldn't quite make out the words. Considering Mark yelled at him in response you figured it was something like "Can I join you?" or something of that nature. Brushing it aside you continued to strip off your soaked clothes and hung them to dry. As you stepped into the shower, drawing the curtains behind you, the water began to hit your face. It felt so nice to have the warm droplets against your skin. Having reality fade away as you hummed softly.

Turning the handle to stop the faucet, you squeezed your hair to drain it. You pulled the curtains back and wrapped a towel around you. When you were in the shower that was your "me time." Still lost in thought, you began to blow dry your dripping hair. As the machine roared Chica pushed the door open. She greeted you with licks to your leg. But being that she was Mark's dog she snatched your clothes bringing them to the couch.

"Chica! Bad dog!" You hollered, pulling the cord out of the wall. In only a towel, you ran out of the bathroom and chased after the golden retriever. Chica was found sitting on Mark's lap.

"Bad dog? No no, good dog." Mark chuckled as he patted the pup's head. "Missing something?" He raised up your pajamas in his hand. You sighed in irritation at your brother's amusement. He never knew when to quit.

"Gimme those!" You snapped as you snatched back your clothes. "Wait... Who did you shower with? If you're done that must mean they are too." Worried that the person with him would be Jack you went stiff. It was like someone was standing behind you with a knife to your back. The feeling made you bolt back towards your bedroom. But of course you turned around to run into Jack's shirtless chest. The whole experience made your face burn a bright red.

"(Y/N) hun, are you sure you want to be doing this in front of your brother?" Jack teased. He didn't exactly know what was going on but he sure wasn't complaining.

"DAMNIT MARK!" You yelled in pure embarrassment. "Just watch the movie without me!" You ran passed Matt and Ryan who had fresh popcorn and drinks in their hands in a bee line to your room. You slammed the door abruptly locking it behind you. The three guys looked back at Mark who was running a hand through his hair with guilt.

"You really messed up this time." Ryan sighed, going to try to comfort you.

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