"Steady the line!" one of the 'guards' yelled, trying admirably to get the crowd to line up. Stacey had the brilliant idea of getting everyone to greet the Queen and her court. Chad was already half-asleep and—by the looks of the line—no one but Stacey liked the idea.

"I'm going to go talk to Stace about this idea of hers," I told Jordan before making my way over to the top of the stairs.

"Stella, there you are," Stacey said, spotting me. "I was just telling everyone how today was your 'special day.'"

"'Special day?'" I echoed, confused. Stacey elbowed Chad before continuing, a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"Dear, remember our prior agreement about how Princess Stella has to chose a suitor for her coming of age today?" Stacey asked, eyes boring into Chad's as he yawned, causing her to elbow him again and cough. "Dear?"

"Of course!" Chad said, evading her elbow as I shot him a sharp look. "Whatever you say goes, dear."

"Good to hear," Stacey said, smiling deviously at me. "You understand, right Stella dear? I'll give the announcement after dinner, and you'll have to meet the eligible princes."

"Am I one?" Jordan asked, having finally caught up to me.

"But of course dear!" Stacey said, eyes lighting up. "Be a dear and take the princess to the table, would you? Dinner's about to start."

"Where's Calum?" Chad asked, glancing around as Stacey shrugged and pulled out her phone.

"'Going to be late. Bringing someone,'" she read, frowning. "Did he not receive the memo that this is a private party?"

"He's probably inviting that girl—Kimmy or something, right?" Chad asked. He had never been good with names, especially those of girls he was disinterested in. A sign of a "utter douche," as Karen had aptly put it.

"Kimberly? Oops—did we somehow forget to invite her?" Stacey asked mock-innocently. She had been in charge of the guest list, as she always was, but I hadn't thought to check... Meeting Stacey's eyes, I realized that I hadn't—I don't—want Calum to bring Kimberly, because that would mean that he was interested in her. She wouldn't be the first, but...

"C'mon," Jordan said, guiding me back down the stairs as the cry of "Dinner!" rang about the room. The guests immediately abandoned the line to rush towards the tables, and I couldn't blame them. Karen was the self-anointed head cook, maid, and everything else that the castle needed, so the food was amazing. Her family owned a large fine-dining chain that she hired today to serve an elaborate medieval-inspired meal complete with ten pheasants and three turkeys, not that they had them then.

"Stella!" shouted a voice in the crowd as Calum appeared with Kimberly in tow. I ignored the fact that it was Kimberly who cried out to me and made my way over.

"Calum! Kimberly! You two are inexcusably late!" Stacey shouted from the top of the stairs as Chad waved with a grin.

"I apologize—there was an awful commotion down in the square," Calum shouted back, playing along. "Something about a rabid elephant."

"There are no elephants around here," Jordan said with a thin smile.

"Oh? Must have been my mistake then," Calum said before looking at Kimberly and grinning. "I can't get over how beautiful you are tonight."

And she was—she had on a lavender ball gown that accentuated her innocence with a sheer high neck that rippled into folds embellished with lacy roses, the dress—it occurred to me—must have been picked by Calum.

"Sorry, but I think I have the most beautiful lady here tonight," Jordan said, slinging an arm around my shoulders and drawing me closer to him before I struggled out of his embrace.

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