Chapter VI

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Kimberly wasn't the first to catch Calum's eye. Abigail wasn't the first one who had been so enchanted by Calum either, although she had been the one who the clique had agreed had the "biggest chance, Stella aside."

No— Calum had always been sought after by the opposite gender; he was extremely good-looking and exceedingly wealthy, and any girl would be stupid to pass him up if he wanted a night, even if it just for the sex.

"What about that redhead then," I asked, nodding towards a flustered ginger that was trying vainly to ward of a persistent group of guys offering her a drink.

Calum stared at her for a few seconds before ginning. "I like her."

"Of course— Calum to the rescue," I joked as Calum weaved through the crowd. Helping Calum choose his hook-ups was a hobby of mine— playing matchmaker, I suppose.

Calum liked the girl— virgin, unsurprisingly enough. He continued seeing her for a month, then two, then three, until it was apparent that she wanted a relationship in which there were only two people. Calum couldn't agree to that, and so he broke it off in the coy way that boys, allowing the girl to cut the string after they hand the girl the scissors.

"Was I too harsh?" Calum asked, the pattern of wrinkles appearing, eyes squeezed shut in thought, remorse.

"You were honest, Calum," I reassured him, pecking his cheek and leaning down to whisper in his ear. "You did what was right, which is more than what many girls could hope for."

"Not more than what you could hope for," he joked.

"On the contrary, I have to guard myself closely," I replied, kissing him as he rolled me on my back. "You're lucky you have me— I was asked out three times the past week, although one of them was dared."

"I know I'm lucky," Calum had told me that day, and I had felt a swirl of giddiness and satisfaction. Of all the compliments I heard on a daily basis, Calum's always felt the most satisfying, the most fulfilling. It was almost like reassurance that I was who I wanted to be— to seem.

Yes I'm pretty. Yes I'm talented, smart, stunning, hot, funny, kind, etcetera etcetera. Yes, but Calum Remington, the gorgeous blue-eyed boy wonder, thinks so too.



The doorbell buzzed again as I wiped my eyes blearily and checked my phone— nine seventeen in the morning with a forecast high of 64 and three texts from Jordan.

'U up?' —8:43 am

'Wanna get breakfast together?' —8:49 am

'I'm coming over' —8:56 am

As the doorbell buzzed yet again, I dialed up "God, Sex".

"Mornin' Stella," Jordan's husky voice greeted me.

"Huh. You sound surprisingly good on the phone," I said, genuinely impressed. "Very husky— I can understand the appeal in calling you now."

"Finally. Now are you going to open the door or not?" He asked, this time banging on the door

"Um, no. I'm not dressed yet, and there's no reason for you to see any more bedhead than absolutely necessary," I told him, slipping on my clothes and walking into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I squeezed some toothpaste onto my toothbrush before starting to brush my teeth.

"Stella, open the door. Or I'm going to have another go at picking the— are you brushing your teeth?" He asked, his tone conveying his shock.

"Hesh, enth thath he heower," I told him before rinsing my mouth. "Yes, and that's the shower. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to undress and shower so go entertain yourself for five minutes."

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