7 months mom and dad

37 2 0

Rowan: I can't believe I get to see my kids for a while

Peyton: I know (driving home)

Lori: (waiting at her house) Layne there coming home

Layne: I know can't wait so me and dad can play Grand theft auto together

Lori: video games our dumb

Layne: oh an yet ur still pregnant

Lori: shut up

Rowan: (walks in) hey guys did you miss me

Lori: I did (stands up slowly and hugs her mom) I love you mom

Rowan: I love you to

Peyton: hey (walks in) there's my kids

Lori: (hugs dad along with Layne)

Layne: (hugs mom to)

Peyton: how's my grandchild doing in there

Lori: just fine

Peyton: did you find out which one died

Lori: the girl (sits back down with mom)

Rowan: oh sorry sweetie

Lori: it's fine (feels a kick) aw he kicked again

Rowan: (puts her hand on her stomach to feel) aw

Layne: hey dad wanna play Grand theft auto with me

Peyton: of course I will kid let's go

Lori: mom guess what Sabrina did for me

Rowan: what

Lori: she thru me a baby shower and invited my favorite singer Kelly Ryland and the band Force Girls6

Rowan: how sweet of them to come

Lori: I know they were the sweetest bunch of people

Rowan: that's great

Lori: hey what's the date today

Rowan: the 1st of March why

Lori: I almost forgot i'm 7 months today it's getting closer

Rowan: I know I can't believe it ur growing up on me

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