Going home soon

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Lori: (feels the need to push agian) what's going on

Nurse Jem: it looks like the other one is still alive give me another push

Lori: ok (pushes) ah ur really gonna get it!

Cris: you got this babe

Nurse Bell: push agian

Lori: (pushes harder than ever)

Nurse Jem: one more

Lori: (pushes one last time)

Nurse Jem: (cuts the cord cleans the baby and the other one)

Lori: (falls back on the pillows) wow i'm done

Cris: you did it I told yah you'd make it

Nurse Bell: (hands Lori the girl) what's the girls name

Lori: Carter dawn Clark

Cris: I like that alot

Lori: (holding her girl)

Cris: (holding the boy)

Rowan: Lori can grandma hold Mason

Lori: yah and here Sabrina you can hold Carter

Sabrina: sure (takes Carter) aw ur cute

Rowan: (takes Mason) hi i'm Grandma

Peyton: (walks in) aw so cute weres My boy

Lori: (exhausted) don't you mean ur girl and boy

Peyton: I thought she died

Lori: I guess not

Rowan: (gives Mason to Peyton)

Peyton: aw hi i'm Grandpa how are you

Mason: (flashes a small smile)

Peyton: he's smiling he loves me

Lori: can mama see him a minute

Peyton: sure (hands him to her)

Cris: (gets Carter) hey i'm daddy (post a pic with his new family

Lori: that's a cute pic

Cris: oh almost forgot something (kneels down and pulls out a ring) Lori will you do ur kids a favor and marry me

Lori: (sits up and hugs him) Yes! Yes! I Will

Mason: ( later sleeping)

Carter: (sleeping)

Lori: (also sleeping)

Cris: wake up babe it's time to leave

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