More trouble

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Rowan: (heading to Sarah's) you ready sweetie

Lori: no i'm afraid Sarah will kill one of us

Rowan: no she won't (parks car and heads inside)

Lori: mom plzz don't make me do this I'm begging you

Sarah: hi how's it going Row

Rowan: not so good I have some unexpected news (sits down with lori)

Sarah: what's that (sits down)

Rowan: well you heard about the party were her and Cris had sex

Sarah: yah the party and What! He had sex with her

Lori: I went upstairs to find Cris walked in his room an he put me against the wall an said lets have sex I said my mom will kill me he didn't listen

Sarah: oh

Rowan: lori is there anything else you'd like to tell her

Lori: uhh no lets go (gets up to leave)

Rowan: Sit Down And Tell Her!!

Lori: (sits down) mom I'm begging you plzz don't make me do this

Rowan: yes and if you don't I'll call your dad

Lori: What! No don't

Rowan: ok tell her and I won't

Sarah: lori you can tell me anything it's ok

Lori: (starts to cry) I I can't do this

Sarah: yes you can

Lori: I I I'm pre pre (cries more) I I'm pre pre pregnant

Sarah: Whoa What!

Lori: Cris probably doesn't care

Peyton C: well he is in more trouble now saying he doesn't care that's not a man

Sarah: wait I remember the day I had Cris just holding him was so exciting

Rowan: I remember when I had lori (flash back)

Layne: (asleep)

Rowan: (wakes up because of the baby) Peyton it's time

Peyton: (wakes up) huh what

Rowan: (sits up) the baby it's time

Peyton: omg (takes her to the hospital)

Sabrina: (taking layne over to Sarah's)

Layne: id mommy ok

Sabrina: yes your little sister is coming will get to see her soon

Rowan: (at the hospital and has another contraction) This Hurts!!

Peyton: look I know it'll be over soon

Rowan: Why Does This Hurt So Much!

Doctor: (an hour later walks in) are you ready Mrs. Meyer

Rowan: Yes! get her out (gets set up)

Sabrina: (walks in) hey Row doing ok

Peyton: she just hit 10 centimeters Row I know you can do this

News guy: (sitting down) it was just confirmed that Rowan Blanchard is indeed in labor so wish her luck fans

Sabrina: (sits on Rowan's other side) you got this girl

Doctor: (sits down) ok ready on three 1....2....3.... push

Rowan: (pushes) Peyton I'm Going To Kill You!

Doctor: (15 minutes later) give me all you've got left push 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..

Rowan: (pushes) ahh (snaps out of flash back) uh what did one of you say something

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