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Lori: (laying in a hospital bed) omg this hurts

Sabrina: hey your fine just hang in there

Lori: ow omg it really hurts

Doc. Jerry: (walks in gives her a shot and she falls asleep)

Lori: (later wakes up) hey I'm awake

Sabrina: hey did you sleep well

Lori: yah

Doc. Jerry: (walks in) ur all better but there's something you need to know

Lori: what's that

Doc. Jerry: one of ur babies died

Lori: oh

Doc. Jerry: since that happend were gonna keep you over night to make sure things go well

Lori: ok

Sabrina: hey lor brb I need to go get the others

Lori: sure

Sabrina: while i'm gone one of my dear friends will stay with you (leaves)

Corey: (walks in) hey Lori

Lori: hi

Maya: (follows daddy) hey dad who's that girl

Corey: she's my friend Rowan's daughter

Maya: can she play dolls with me

Lori: not right now may I'm sick

Maya: your sick what happend to you

Lori: i'm pregnant with twins but one of them died

Maya: that's sad i'm sorry

Corey: I didn't know about twins

Lori: oh

Sabrina: (comes in with the others) were back

Cris: (runs to her bedside) are you ok i'm here I won't leave ur side

Lori: i'm fine we just lost one of the babies

Cris: aw sorry babes which one the boy or girl

Sabrina: they never told us

Cris: aw babes (holds her hand then kisses her stomach)

Alex: Lori do you need anything

Lori: yah food lots of it McDonald's

Alex: (goes to McDonald's and comes back with food) here you go I got you some stuff

Lori: thanks

Rachel: (texting someone)

Owen: hey baby how's Lori
Rachel: fine but one of the babies died
Owen: aw which one
Rachel: dun know yet
Owen: ir still coming over later right
Rachel: yah but no s*x lori is already prego
Owen: ok luv you
Rachel: you to

Owen: (puts up phone) well will see about s*x then

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