Abbie recalled that for the poor, often marriage was a way to come into wealth and power. Whereas the people she knew married almost for sport, people like Finn's sister did it out of necessity.

Two years later the man deserted Shannon with no warning, leaving her pregnant with their second child in her dying mother's home. Finn had been away six months before returning home to find his niece born to a very distraught Shannon.

"From what I could tell, Shannon was very lucky to have even been alive. My niece, Molly, she's a big 'un." Finn said with a chuckle. He grew sober again as he continued. "Nearly killed her mum bein' born."

But somehow, Shannon had prevailed and now there was another hungry mouth to be fed in the household. Finn tried to stay home as often as he could, but Port was not appreciative of his finest crewmember staying behind as they cruised the seven seas. Visits home became less frequent and Finn soon found life aboard The Iron Lady unfulfilling.

"But, 'at's enough about me," he said. Finn had been fidgeting as he told his story, and Abbie could tell by his frequent throat clearing that he was uncomfortable.

And so she delved into her own life story.

"You already know my mother died when I was thirteen," she mused. "Life afterwards was one big blur. I recall vaguely my grandmother staying with us for the next few months, but the specific details... Well, it's like I can see them, but they are hidden by a curtain. I know what's behind the curtain...but because I cannot see, I don't believe it."

Finn tilted his head to one side and stared at her through squinted eyes. Abbie had feared that he would laugh at her, but she saw no judgment in his eyes. They stayed focused on her as she continued speaking, intently watching as she delved into her past.

And those eyes were now still crystal clear in Abbie's mind as she stared up at the ceiling trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep.

She wondered what Finn was thinking about at that particular moment. He was probably fast asleep having not had a single cup of coffee.

But if he were awake... Was he mulling over what Abbie had shared the way she was with what he'd shared? Abbie liked the idea of Finn thinking about her. It gave her a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach and warmed her face with a crimson blush.

She rolled over on her side contemplating what this might mean. No one had ever successfully managed to capture Abbie's attention the way Finn did. Even when he was being an unbearable git, somehow he was still the first person she wanted to talk to whenever she was lonely.

She figured it was perhaps the fact that she wanted to prove to him that he could not scare her away with his rude comments and harsh demeanor. Or perhaps it was because unlike every other man in her life, Finn seemed to take genuine interest in what Abbie had to say.

Whatever it meant kept Abbie awake long into the evening until muffled voices from the poker game began to fade and the sound of the ocean meeting land gently lulled her to sleep.

"Where are you going?" Abbie leaned overboard as Finn descended the rope ladder. He had risen especially early for breakfast duty not bothering with the fact that half the crew had yet to rise.

It was silly of her to ask; she knew where Finn planned to go.

"I believe you know where I am going, Abbie," he replied with an exasperated sigh. He hopped down into the rowboat with caution and looked up at her through squinted eyes.

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