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Jack's wife had a sinking feeling in her chest. She and Jack hadn't had a perfect marriage in quite some time, but there was something different about him these day. He had a new gait and attitude. He was utterly apathetic over all aspects of normal life, but in the quick moments of his departure from their house and his arrival to--there was a spark that she hadn't seen in him before. Something dangerous, something devilish--but something enticing.

She wanted to know what was going on, but she knew what was going on. You don't spend more than half a day with someone for years and not discover little tells. Although Jack's wife had come to a crushing realization that she did not really know him and might never really know him: she at least had the comfort that she understood his body language.

From what little Jack told her of the world these days, there wasn't any immediately apparent reason for his newfound vitality. Maybe he had broken free from his many years-long writer's block, and was working on something special? Maybe his energy came from a new hobby or a change in diet. But Jack wasn't a runner and hadn't changed how he ate. His wife, after all, made him nearly every meal and she hadn't changed the menu in two years. She also hadn't heard of a promotion, and certainly hadn't seen any of the money. Besides, Jack seemed to dread going to work every morning--until recently.

So, there was something else going on at that school. The sinking feeling in her chest only sank deeper when she realized the most probably motive behind Jack's difference.

He was in love again. But this time it wasn't with her.

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