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      The arena was small enough for many civilians to stand by and watch as the fight took place but large enough to make figures across the empty stadium hard to distinguish. But all could see when Raktan, the army's leader for the area stepped forward atop his pedestal. Red robes draped across his large body and a pendant which, when activated, would dispel all magic within the fighting area. Today was his first time announcing a trial-by-fire, and he relished at the thought of so many who were disloyal to the army being put to death. He however was very confused when he received an order to arrest and place Obik amongst the fighters. He did as he was told and after great struggle he was able to force Obik down. Perhaps Raktan was receiving a promotion and Obik stood in the way! The thought fueled his excitement even further. The crowd let out a roar and thunderous applause when he appeared before them. With a spell, he amplified his voice and spoke to everyone.

"Today, on this most glorious day, we sentence 4 people to death for their crimes against the army!" He bellowed. Another roar of applause and cheer from the crowd made Raktan decide to ad-lib a moment and possibly build their excitement more.

"The first on our Lineup of runaways, Dezierae. The tiefling who resisted arrest after her traitorous village was destroyed." A blast of insults and damnation was all that echoed throughout the audience now.
"Yes yes, I know. Disgraceful, abysmal, horrid. But death could await her just as it could for Ekim the dragonborn runaway Calvaryman who was absent without leave!" Raktan had the audience eating from him now as they continued to condemn the combatants. "Next we have Tal. A half elf who was caught stealing from an army soldier. She evaded us for a while but is now under our foot. Next we have Obik. After a long investigation Obik was discovered to have been planning a leave without absence, and when questioned about it he escaped and became a runaway." Raktan lied. He knew it was a lie and he was sure he wouldn't find out what the truth behind the matter was. At that moment a soldier walked behind Raktan and handed him a note. He read the note and started chuckling loudly.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed that the traitor and runaway Veil Kyre, the former squad leader of the assassins group. Also known as the traitor, will be amongst our combatants today. Now, the rules are simple. All combatants fight to the death. The one that kills Veil earns their guaranteed freedom. If that person dies, the person that killed them earns their freedom and so on until we have only one ultimate winner. Let the fight begin! Raktan roared. The audience paused in disbelief and shock then an uproar greater than all others rocked the very halls of the stadium. It shook the foundation and the sound traveled into the preparation rooms for the combatants. Where a Goliath, a tiefling, a dragonborn, a half-elf, and a human sit prepared and ready to fight to the death.
The sun was bright as the combatants stepped slowly into the arena. The summer day was hot as the sand slipped into the sandals of the five unfortunate souls. Today will be the day of great bloodshed for the runaways and traitor.
     The first into the arena is a Goliath, a race of giant mountain people who have been enslaved by the army and are now being bred as weapons of war. This particular Goliath was named Obik. He was third in command of "the army" as it was called, but now he has been branded with the mark of the runaway.
     The army started as a simple peace keeping organization, but it rapidly became a prominent source of power in the world. Then once it had enough numbers more and more missions became violent and lethal.
     The next into the arena was a tiefling, a cursed race of humans born to appear as a demon including horns and a non-prehensile tail with red- hued skin and orb eyes. The woman was branded with the mark of the runaway. Her name was Dezierae, and she worked as a leather worker before the army came to her town in search of halflings and gnomes for slaughter. Many were found including those that Dezierae was captured trying to protect. She broke free and was eventually apprehend by the army and branded with the mark of the runaway. Magic surged through her veins thanks to a deal she made with a powerful being. She got magical powers as long as she helped in the destruction of the army.
     The next victim was a dragonborn, a race of humanoids bearing the resemblance of dragons, including scales but not often wings. Some did and this one was a rare exception. His 15 foot wings were concealed under his ceremonial robes. They were tattooed  with trumpets and Calvary-men charging a battlefield, but years of fighting has left them scarred and torn open in many places with many holes still there to this day. The dragonborns name was Ekim. Like the Goliath race, dragonborn were captured and bred for war by the army. This particular dragonborn was sent to fight today because he was a part of a Calvary team and went awol. When he was captured again he was branded as a runaway.
     The fourth runaway was a half elf woman by the name of Tal. Her profession before she tried to escape the encroaching army but was captured quickly and branded as a runaway, was a bard. Her ability with the lute was exquisite and her singing got her the pay from those who wouldn't normally toss a coin to a derelict in the street.
Finally the last to step into the ring. A human male, youngest of the group in proportion and years at 17. His rage merely fueled by the brands on his arms. On his left stood the mark of the runaway as did all the other combatants. On his right the mark of the traitor was slashed into his forearm. The wound, still slightly fresh was burning and was a constant reminder of his morals and will to survive. This human by the name of Veil Kyre was a former squad leader of a group of specialized assassins for the army. He was the adopted son of Tress, an extremely powerful swordmage. Veil , after being trained by Tress his entire life, joined the army at the age of 15 and rose to the ranks of general very quickly. He was known for his prowess with the blade but his magic put fear into his enemies. Sadly he had no weapon now, but it didn't matter. His burning will to live would give him more than enough strength. He knew his fate would finally catch him today. He stepped down a long hallway and waited for his door to open and the bloodshed to begin.
"If I have to spill innocent blood today then fine. I will take my full revenge on this cursed army. To my victims, forgive me. This will be the day I've waited for."

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