
I stopped only when it was necessary. Just for gas, food, bathroom breaks and once at a motel when I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

I kept calling Lyra to see if she'd answer. I started to get really worried when she wouldn't. I didn't plan on telling her that I was coming to see her but I just wanted to talk and hear her voice.

I passed through states and flew down the interstate. I passed cars when I thought they were going too slow. I would be at Lyra's house within the afternoon. She'd given me her address so I could mail her our pictures, so I was going off that.

Mom and Jake and Ally called me frequently to make sure I was okay. I can't describe the noise Ally made hen she figured out I was going I see Lyra.

Of course, being the worry ass I am, I started to become super stressed thinking somethings wrong. Lyra always called, she always found a way to talk to me. If I had her dads number, I'd call him to see how she was.

I just had to know what was wrong.

I turned on the exit that would take me though a town towards Lyra's house. Rain pattered the windshield as the wipers whoosh whoosh whooshed across the glass.

Other cars whizzed by as I sped past them. Time ticked by slowly. The distance from Texas to California was about twenty four hours. So I was replaying the ride Lyra and I took to my house.

I'd turn up the radio and if a familiar song came on and I could almost hear Lyra blaring it out next to me. I smiled at the memory. It felt like the longest time before I exited the little town. Lyra lived on the outskirts, right by the redwood forest.

I sped around on the back roads, ignoring the speed limit signs. I came to a crossroad where a stop sign was bent over. I paid it no mind and zoomed down Lyra's road.

Eventually, a house with dark shingles showed up at the end of the road. I pulled into the driveway.....right next to a couple of police cars. 

For a while, I'd been thinking "please be Lyra's house," and now I was praying it wasn't. I jumped out and hurried to the door. My heart pounded in my chest almost painfully.

Raising my fist, I knocked on the door. The house was quiet and I almost knocked again when the door slowly clicked open. David stood behind it. He looked awful. His hair was mussed up, his eyes bloodshot and his clothes wrinkled like he'd slept in them for two days.

He had a stone face but managed to pull the look of surprise, "Nathan?"

"Hello sir- David. I'm...I'm here for Lyra. Can I please see her?" I begged, straining to look over his shoulder.

He was quiet and looked at his socks, "Did you happen to see the bent stop sign on the way here?"

I nodded and he opened the door wider, "Maybe you should come in."

My heart thudded and I knew I was right. Something awful had happened.

"Where's Lyra?" My voice was a quiet plea.

He silently led me to the kitchen. Baine sat under a table by the feet of three police officers. They all looked at me and glanced at each other.

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