Andrew's worried face hovered over mine

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Andrew's worried face hovered over mine. "Elena? Are you alright?" He gently let go, letting me stand on my fragile feet. 

"Yea...I'm..I'm alright" I spluttered. I didn't understand what happened. I took a look at the apartment once more. It was as if something just snatched Andrew away. Andrew noticed where I was looking. 

"I don't understand" He said, reading my mind. Vanessa and Cameron came running towards us. 

"What happened?" Cameron breathlessly said. His hands were on his knees, as he tried to catch his breath. 

"I don't know. But we need to get out of Tenebris Square as soon as possible." Andrew confirmed. 

Vanessa nodded. We all started walking towards the middle of the road. 

"Whoa. Wait a minute. We're walking in the middle of the road in broad sunshine. Don't you think someone will see us? Attack us? Shouldn't we take another secret passage or something?" I questioned. 

"They will be able to see us but they can't attack us." Andrew corrected.

"Unless they want to burn in the sun" Cameron added. 

"So you mean.."

"I mean, most vampires don't have sunlight enchantments. No rings, pendants, nothing of the sort. Witches and vampires don't have the best bond these days." Andrew explained.

We continued walking on the road. Vacant houses were along the ends of the road. 

"Cameron and I..we along" Andrew glanced over at him,.

"sure" Cameron chuckled.  

I turned to Vanessa. "What about you?"

"What about me?" She smiled.

"How did you meet these two?"

"Well..I joined, 5 years ago. Before then I was part of another vampire group. They were called The Lamia. I was part of The Lamia for a long long time. But then...I got..kicked out." Vanessa quietly spoke. I looked at her sad face. 

"It's alright. You don't have to continue" I assured her.

"No no. I'm good." She paused. Most likely to breathe. "I got kicked out because..I killed one of my own." 

"So?" I spoke, instantly regretting it. Vanessa looked over at me, then, surprisingly, smiled.

"You're brave for a human".

I laughed. Well of course. 

"Killing another vampire is against the rules. You get punished. Killing one of our own vampires, however, results in being shunned." She ended. 

"Oh." I didn't know what to say. To be sorry? To be happy? I didn't say anything. 

We continued to walk in silence. I noticed how Andrew grabbed a bottle of blood from his bag and slowly drank it. I wondered whose blood it was. Then I realized, there weren't any humans in Tenebris. What did vampires survive on?

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