Chapter. 1

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As I step onto the freshly cut, bright green grass, I gazed over at Liv. Liv has been my best friend since I could remember. Both of our moms were childhood best friends as well. She had such a unique look. She is much taller than I am. She was slim, had shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair, and dazzling bright blue eyes that remind me of our favourite destination, a lake from back home.

Liv and I both attended kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school together, and today is our first day on our own away from our family, but we are still together at Arizona State University. We have planned to come here together ever since junior high when Liv decided she wanted to become a lawyer. I decided to go along with her since ASU has a decent medical program.

As we approached our dorm room, I felt a sudden flux of butterflies in my stomach. This was it, we are starting university. Liv and I carried our total of six suitcases and four boxes into our new room. After Liv and I had both chosen which side of the room we wanted, we agreed to wonder around campus. Just as we started to walk down the hall we heard a loud, high pitched shriek.

"What do you think that was?" Liv asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged and approached the door across the hall. I quickly brought my hand up to the wooden door and tapped lightly. When the door opened, a beautiful girl stood before Liv and I. The girl was tall,slender, had beautiful olive skin, dirty blonde hair and greenish hazel eyes. She gave us a small, but welcoming smile and gestures for us to come into her room. We both entered curiously and noticed that this girl wasn't alone. On the edge of her bed sat a boy with short,soft brown hair and big brown eyes. I quickly turned my attention back to the girl with blonde hair. She threw Liv and I another smile before opening her mouth to speak.

"I guess you guys are my new neighbours. I'm Sabrina." She spouted well waking back over to that boy.

I look over at Liv who opened her mouth and said,

"I'm Liv, and this is my friend Melody. We knocked on your door because we heard a loud scream, and wanted to make sure everything was alright."

Sabrina gave the two of us a bizarre look before glancing over at the guy. They both gave a short laugh before he opened his mouth.

"My name is Liam." The brown haired boy uttered standing up. He gave Sabrina a quick peck on her cheek. As he approached the exit, he turned to Liv and I.

"You both should come to the party my friends and I are having tonight."

Before either of us could respond he winked and walked out the door. Both Liv and I turned our heads for what seems like the millionth time towards Sabrina.

"I'm sorry about all the noise earlier, Liam just told me amazing news and couldn't conceal my excitement." She said well grinning ear to ear.

"But you really should come to that party tonight! It's going to be awesome and you can meet a few new people too."

I quickly debated internally on how to answer and shyly said,

"Sound fun! What time and where?"

Sabrina and Liv both looked quit surprised as it has been the first time I have spoken this whole conversation. Sabrina quickly ran over to Liv and I, and squeezed the both of us between her small arms.

"The party is at Canyon Lake. It's fifteen minutes from here. Our group will be there. The party starts at ten."she said well releasing us from her tight embrace.

"If you guys want we could go together. Just be ready by quarter-to, it doesn't really matter if we are late." I gave Sabrina a quick smile before Liv and I walk back to our dorm.

Hey guys! This is our first book. We are super excited and hope you guys like it. We know this isn't a climactic beginning but it will progress quickly.

xoxo. Molivia

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