Chapter. 10

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Melody's POV

After last night's party, Liv and I get back to our room somewhere around 3 am. As soon as we reach our dorm, Liv falls face first onto her bed and instantly crashes. I too fall asleep, even though I haven't done anything to make me this tired.

When I wake up, the sun leaks through the windows and makes a neat pattern on the floor. I sit up and turn my head to the left to see Liv sprawled across her bed. Then, I jump across the room and land on the mattress beside her.

"Wakey, wakey!" I say, while shaking her. Liv groans and rolls over onto her other side.

"Get off and let me sleep." she grumbles.

"No, its already late in the day and I'm starving. Come downstairs and get food with me."

"Go get your own food." Liv mumbles into her pillow.

"Not without you. I've heard they've good pancakes..." I press.

"Fine, just let me get ready first."

"Okay." I smile.


Just after waiting for Liv for what felt like forever, we make our way to the dining hall and grab some breakfast.

"You're right, Melody." Liv says with her mouth full of food.

"About what?"

"This place really does have good pancakes."

"Of course it does. I'm always right." I playfully flip my hair.

"Shut up!" Liv says while lightly swatting my arm.


"That was a good breakfast, hey Melody?" Liv asks as we enter our room.

"Yeah, I'm stuffed." I reply as I plop myself down on my bed. Only a few seconds later there were three knocks at the door. I jump up and open the door to see two familiar faces.

"Hey Melody." Niall says while walking over to Liv.

"Hi." Harry greets me with a smile and wraps his arms around my waist, dropping his head into the crook of my neck. We break our embrace and I grab his hand, leading him over to have a sit on my bed, facing Niall and Liv.

"Did you guys hear about that thing that's happening next week? I heard our parents our invited." Niall starts the conversation.

"Yeah, it sounds like fun." Harry says curled lips.

"I'm looking forward to showing them around campus." I state. Niall notices Liv is being quiet.

"What about you, Liv?" He asks.

"I don't think I'm going." She mumbles while picking at her nails.

"What? Why not?" Niall presses as he begins to rub her back.

"It just doesn't interest me." She says snippily.

"But don't you want to see your parents and show them-" Liv cuts him off mid-sentence.

"I just don't want to go, okay!" She yells as she rushes out the door. Niall is left looking completely confused and shocked.

"Melody, what was that all about?" He asks trying to make sense of what just happened.

"It's something that Liv has to tell you, not me."

"Okay, well I'm going to see if I can find her." And with that, Niall was gone.

Liv's POV

Bursting out of the dorm, I dart through the hallways with tears welling in my eyes. I don't care if people stare, they couldn't even imagine what I have been through.

Once I exit the building my vision becomes more blurry, which forces me to let the tears stream down my cheeks. I spot a nearby bench surrounded by tall, sunny palms. I make my way over and sit down on the edge, covering my face with my hands. As I quietly sob, the tears create a pool in my eyes that leaks out and dampens my cheeks. All of a sudden, I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder. I look up to see Niall standing before me with worry etched all over his face. He circles around and plants himself beside me, wrapping his arms around my body to rub my back.

"Liv, what's wrong?" He asks quietly. I nuzzle my head into his chest, not answering him. "Liv please, I want to know."

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"Okay. Well, about two years ago, my mom, dad, brother and I went to a Christmas party at our family friends house. After that, we were driving home in the dark and a huge blizzard hit. The roads were pretty icy and my dad was having a hard time seeing where he was going. All of the black ice caused the car to skid and hit a pothole, which sent us spinning into a ditch on the side of the road. I was awake through the whole thing. My mom was conscious for awhile, we were able to talk for a bit until she drifted off. My dad was knocked out instantly, and his head was gushing blood all over the steering wheel. When I looked over to my brother, he was already gone. A monstrous tree branch had busted through the window on his side and stabbed his stomach. I sat there in silence for nearly eight hours until help arrived.

"The next morning, I woke up in the hospital with Melody and her family  surrounding me. At first I was confused, but after a while it had set in that everyone was gone. I had become hysterical, so much so that the doctors had to give me meds to put me to sleep so I wouldn't hurt myself. A few weeks went by, and then Melody's family had decided to take me in and adopt me."

"My god, Liv." He said while gently stroking my back. "I had no idea, I'm so sorry." Niall wrapped his arms around me, even tighter than before.

"I come up with pretty good excuses not to go to stuff, hey?" I joke, trying to lighten the mood. Niall chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"We don't have to go, let's do something else instead."

"No way, you're going to see your parents." I insist.

"But I don't want to leave you alone." He says, bringing his hand to my cheek.

"I'll go."

"Liv, you really don't have to do that."

"You know, it might be kind of fun to meet your mom and dad." I suggest with a smirk. He smiles and rests his forehead against mine.

"Thank you for sharing that with me." He said, never breaking our gaze. Slowly, the gap between us started to close and our lips were now pressed together.

Happy holidays everyone! Took really long to edit, sorry bout that.
Xoxo. Molivia

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