Chapter: 18

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I finished my breakfast and walked to the front door with my bag.

Cat: bye mom bye lark!

Mom: bye darling! Have a good day at school

Lark: bye.

With that I walked out and waited for the bus. When the bus came I got in and sat next to jake.

Jake: hey babe how are you?

Cat: no good I kind of lost my diary

I sighed and looked out the window, but when I look out the window I look at jake too.

Jake: that's no good. I promise we can find it

Jake kissed me and I smiled

Cat: I know we will

Jake: now now don't get cocky! Haha

Cat: ha-ha

The bus stopped and we got off the bus to school. I was at my locker when (hope you recall her) nicole standing with my diary.

Cat: hey! That's mine give it back!

Nicole: when you thought your life was going to get better! It got worse!

Cat: shut up! And give me that back!

I didn't want to yell louder and attract attention.

Nicole: yell louder.

Cat: fine. Nicole give me that back now!

Nicole: that's the yelling I know haha here

Nicole handed her paw out to give me my diary back, I knew what she was doing, playing stupid with me so her plan can work

Cat: thanks. Why are you being 'nice' to me after all you love jake and you want me to suffer in our relationship

Nicole: t-that was in the past I want to be friends now and not have trouble 'round here.

I didn't take that as a good 'exuse' to be nice to me and then destroy my life, come up to me and say your going to destroy my life.

Cat: you know you can just say your going to destroy my life

Jake: she better not your I will never love her ever again!

Nicole looked suprised at what jake said

Nicole: do love me?!

Jake: I'm not saying that, I'm saying if I ever loved you again I would force myself not to if you destroy her life

Jake hugged me and purred so did I. Nicole just walked away

Cat: better get to class, eh?

Jake: yeah let's do that

With that we walked to class together and finished the school day with no worries.
After school was a problem though. I couldn't go over to Jake's or jake couldn't come to my house I don't know why though so I'll ask mom.

Cat: hey mom! Why can't jake come over?

I sat my things on the floor exept my bag and sat down in front of mom.

Mom: 'cause you need to get your work done! And not with jake. Now do you have homework?

I got in my bag to see, nope, no homework

Cat: I don't

Mom: ok now did you clean your room? Of you did then clean your bathroom

Cat: ok then can I hang out with jake?

Mom: maybe

I groaned and walked in my room. I finished cleaning my bathroom. I walked back on the living room and saw mom still sitting in the same spot as last time.

Cat: I finished mom! Any thing else?

Mom: cook dinner.

Mom crossed her arms and lark walked in from the front door

Lark: I cook dinner.

Mom sighed.

Mom: no lark, Cat will cook dinner

Lark: I refuse to let you boss her around! Let her see jake or she wouldn't stop talking about him!

I was suprise, but mom looked like she heard this all the time

Mim: sold I tell her why I'm doing this? Lark...honey....she needs to do this

Cat: mom...what are you talking about

Lark: yeah. Tell us.

Mom: *sigh* are not from here you know that, but when I had you you wasn't from our old town either...

Cat: what? OK ok, mom tell me what do you mean?

Mom had years cornering around her eyes

Mom: when you was born you was from the ocean and I looked up what us meant, it means...strong...there's more to it..

Cat: wha- mom don't cry..

Lark walked over to her and proposed to her

Lark: my wife.

Me and mom was suprised by this

Mom: lark...I will

Cat: lark! Mom! What the bloody hell!

Mom: don't use that language here! To your room! Your grounded!

Cat: are you serious!

With that I walked to my room and sat on my bed looking at my window...I have an idea!

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