Chapter: 17

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Who could do such a thing to my room? Maybe mom and 'dad' looked through my stuff! What if it was something else! I don't know but today I'm cleaning this up and hoping I'm not missing anything. I woke up and sat in bed for awhile looking at the date it was Monday! What happened to the days! That's when I heard a knock on my door.

Cat: c-come in!

I didn't think people would actually knock on my door they usually just come in without knocking.

Lark: get ready for school.

Lark was the one to knock? I thought he would do the same like my sister and mother do.

Cat: oh ok

I smiled and he closed the door I could tell he was looking at my dirty room.

Cat: ok daily routine..

I started with a shower, then brushing my teeth, getting clothes on and I brushed my fur. I decided to clean my room, that's when one thing was missing my dairy!

Cat: I think I'm going to have a heart attack! Where is my diary!

First thing I thought of is lizzie! She must have my diary! So I ran in her room without knocking which I usually do.

Cat: ok where is my diary I know you have it so give it back!

I was angry at that point. My sister just stared at me like I was crazy or something!

Lizzie: I didn't take anything from your room

Cat: yes you did! Stop lieing!

Lizzie: what is it your missing?

Cat: you know what I'm missing and i want it back!

Lizzie: first sis calm down your going to get mom and dad in here

I calmed down a little but I was still angry at my sister for taking my things and lieing she didn't take it.

Lizzie: ok sit down and tell me what you are missing, we can find it

I sat down next to her.

Cat: I'm missing my diary..

Lizzie: ok I can totally find that. Was it in your room?

Cat: no, I was cleaning it when I realized it was gone

Lizzie: ok not in your room eh, then the person who was in here took it

Cat: oh the person you thought was me

Lizzie: yeah that one!

I sighed at my sister and got up.

Cat: i think I might have a clue on who this person is

And with that I left her room to the kitchen.

Mom: hey honey! Want some breakfast before you go

Cat: yeah I think that will cheer me up

Mom: here and don't think about what your thinking about too much

I took the breakfast from mom and thought about what she said. ' don't think about it too much' maybe I should stop thinking about it too much. I will find it because I'm the best detective in the town I find my problems easy. I hope.

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