Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

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After the dormitory incident, Ron became very quiet and moody, slinking around the castle with a thundery expression on his face. Hermione had not yet broken up with him, simply because he didn't go near her or Harry. Or anyone, really. He didn't even get Rita Skeeter in on the act. Something was up and Harry didn't really want to know what.
Meanwhile, Harry and Draco's relationship progressed rapidly, almost too rapidly for Harry. One minute they'd be snogging behind a pillar or something and the next they'd be...ahem.
But right now, Harry had to treat Draco almost like he used to. Because the first Quidditch match was here and it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Harry had put together a team that he was fairly happy with. Obviously, the beaters had nothing on Fred and George and once upon a time, he'd have wished Ron was the Keeper. But that wasn't going to happen. Instead, he had a burly fifth year boy duo for beaters who were actually really good. Then a slight girl as keeper. Initally, he wondered what he was thinking, even trialling her until he saw her play. She was quick and agile, not to mention strong. She saved all five trial goals with style. And without a confundus charm. Then Seamus and Dean trialled for chasers and Harry gladly gave them a spot and added a fourth year girl into the mix.

"Okay guys. We need to hammer Slyhterin this match so we can get ahead in the points early on," Harry told his team in the changing room.

"They've got some seriously scary looking chasers," Seamus remarked.

"They've got no skill over you," Harry reminded them. "Okay, it's time."

Together, the Gryffindor team hoisted their brooms onto their shoulders and left the changing rooms. They entered the pitch to wild screams and supportive yells from the stands. Harry felt his heart lift. This was where he belonged. On the pitch. He shoved his glasses further up his nose and nodded to his team. The Slytherin team entered the pitch to enthusiastic yells and Harry eyed Draco. No matter what, he couldn't let his team down.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle and they soared into the air. Harry scanned the sky for the snitch.

"Alright there, Potter?" Draco called, smirking slighlty. His smirk wavered and then fell from his lips when he saw Harry's face.

"We have to put aside our feelings," Harry called, dread in his heart. "Otherwise we'll cop even more hate for being together."

"Yeah," Draco trailed off as Lee Jordan called out that Gryffindor had scored. Harry glided off and soon Gryffindor were in the lead by fifty points. Then a bludger took Seamus out who tumbled through the air before hitting the ground with a thud. Harry winced. The Slytherins were playing dirty now. He saw Seamus climb to his feet and shakily mount his broom. And then Harry saw it as Gryffindor scored again. The Snitch. He leaned forwards and shot through the air, his hand streatching forwards. With a grunt, he grabbed at the Snitch and his fingers closed around the fluttering ball.

"And Potter's got the Snitch!" Lee Jordan cried gleefully. "Gryffindor win, 210 points to nil!"

Harry soared down to meet his team mates on the ground. Seamus looked very pale and soon left for the hospital wing. Harry was just announcing a party in the common room when something hit his squarely on the back. He staggared forwards and spun around to see Ron pointing his wand at Harry.

"What the hell?" Harry yelled. "Screw off, Ronald!"

"No," Ron said and fired another spell at Harry. Harry managed to whip his wand out in time to deflect the spell. He swore at Ron who shot off another three, all of which Harry delfected. At that moment, Hermione joined them, screaming at Ron to stop. Ron hardly spared her a glance until she screamed something else at him.

"We're over!"

And she ran away, tears pouring down her cheeks. Ron paled and nearly toppled over.

"See what you've done," he spat. "Ruined yet another life. Oh, and have fun with Malfoy."

Harry looked around to see Draco wandering over with a slightly dazed expression on his face.

"We together anymore," Draco said. "I don't love you anymore."

And he walked away. Harry turned to confront Ron but he was gone too.

"No," Harry breathed. "No! Draco wait!"

"I don't need you anymore, gay boy!" Draco yelled over his shoulder. "I'm not gay!"

Harry sank to his knees and felt the hot tears welling up in his eyes. This was not fair! What in the name of Merlin was going on? What had he done to deserve this? Draco...
Harry swore and banged his head non to lightly on the grass.

"Draco!" he yelled but the blonde boy had dissapeared. And Harry wailed.

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