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Draco awoke to an arm draped over his bare chest. He frowned and extricated himself from Blaise. Since when did he and Blaise sleep together? Draco paused in the act of smoothing back his hair, horror seeping into his system. What happened last night popped into his mind with vivid clarity. He'd sobbed onto Blaise's shoulder and poured out his fear of being gay. Blaise, much to Draco's surprise had informed him that he too was gay and there was nothing to worry about. Then Draco had said that he thought he might possibly like Harry Potter and Blaise had laughed, telling him that he may as well aim for the stars. After that, Blaise had invited Draco to bed and too wound up to argue, he'd ended up tucked in with Blaise.

Draco cringed. What the hell did think he was doing? Obviously, he reprimanded himself, he wasn't thinking at all. Keep it cool, he told himself firmly. Don't so much as look at Potter and don't even think about sobbing on Blaise's shoulder. Draco shook his head and slipped into his robes. He glanced at Blaise who was still fast asleep and left the common room.

Harry ate his toast in stoney silence. Ginny sat three seats away, stealing glances at him every now and then. Harry berated himself. Perhaps if he'd actually tried to find Ginny on the train or if...
But Ginny was as much in the wrong as he was. She was, after all, the unfaithful one. Harry gripped his goblet of pumpkin juice and flung a scathing look at Ginny who averted her eyes.
Hermione arrived, handing out timetables. Harry took his and examined it. He had Defence Against The Dark Arts first. He felt a smile creep across his cheeks. At less he knew he wouldn't fail. Then his smile slid off his lips. He and Ginny would be sharing a class. This, he thought moodily, would not end well.

Draco could not help it. His eyes flitted to Potter and he could tell that Harry was angry. Really, really angry. He also noticed that the Weasley girl wasn't sitting next to him. Perhaps, he thought with a glimmer of hope, perhaps Potter and Weasley have broken up. Then he checked himself. Glanced at his right forearm where the Dark Mark still sat on his flesh. No one in their right mind, especially not Harry Potter himself, would want a former Death Eater as a boyfriend. Draco finished his toast and stared at his time table. He had Potions first and he knew that Horace Slughorn would not treat him the same as Snape. Draco had been genuinely upset when he heard Snape was dead. Snape may have been elusive and sometimes horrid but Draco knew that Snape could be counted on to keep a secret. Snape had been a comforter at school when Lucius was abusing Draco via letters about his pathetic Quidditch playing. Draco slammed his fork down. Damn his father. Draco felt a wave of pure hate running through him. If it weren't for his father, Draco knew he would probably be friends with Harry Potter. Well, he thought, the best way to make friends is to be nice.

Harry pretty much fell into his chair in the DADA classroom. Ron sat on one side of him, an expression of amazement on his freckled features. He was still confused about the whole Ginny-Terry Boot-Harry thing. Hermione sat on his other side, her eyes narrowed as Ginny walked in. Her eyes were searching the room until they landed on Harry. She rushed to him.

"Harry, I-"

Harry cut her off curtly in a voice that was flat and devoid of emotion.

"Save it for someone who cares, Ginny."

With tears in her eyes, Ginny found a seat. Harry gritted his teeth and struck his head on the desk, non to lightly. Could he not just be left alone? If Ginny was going out with Terry Boot now, why not just come out and say it? Because it was killing Harry, being stuck like this. Knowing that Ginny was unfaithful but not knowing if he should break it off between them.

"Hello class," came a voice from the door. "I'm your new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher."

A tall figure dressed in jet black robes strode into the class room. A baggy hood concealed his face and he limped slightly. His voice sounded oddly familiar. But Harry couldn't place it. The new teacher sat down rather ungainly and tapped his fingers on the desk.

"Well," he said. "Well, well, well."

The class laughed nervously. Hermione frowned and narrowed her eyes a bit more. Ron, shooting a glance at her, wondered how far she could narrow her eyes without closing them. Hermione raised her hand into the air, still frowning.

"Yes, Granger?" the teacher asked.

"Who are you?" Hermione wanted to know. Ron could see her hand tighten around her wand.

"I'm your new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. Now, how many of you know the shield charm?"

"With all due respect, sir," Hermione said, glancing around the class. "You're sitting in a room full of former Dumbledores Army members who were tutored by Harry."

At this, the teacher laughed. He tipped his head back and laughed. Hermione looked a fronted. To Harry, the laugh sounded so familiar that he nudged Ron.

"Who does he remind you of?" Harry hissed to Ron. Ron started and a frown came across his brow.

"Dunno," he shrugged and Harry sighed. That phrase seemed to be Ron's back up solution. The teacher was talking.

"Now I've learned many things but I will not be teaching them to you. Today we shall simply show off our defence skills. Alright. Weasley."

Ron got to his feet and pulled out his wand. He cleared his throat and waited. The teacher requested a non verbal shield charm so Ron gritted his teeth and flicked his wand. The teacher sent a jet of red at Ron which bounced off, disintegrating.

"Well done," praised the teacher and gestured for Ron to sit and Lavender Brown to stand. And so class went on but Harry vowed to find how who the new teacher was.

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