Candy From Strangers

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-Your carrier always told you not to take energon goodies from mechs you don't know. But what if those "goodies" are offered by the most powerful crime boss on Cybertron? Could you really resist? Let's find out.-

Your POV:

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Your POV:


Tonight was a busy one at the club. The profanity was intense around this time. I hesitantly stepped out onto the stage, taking my center place at the pole. The comments and whistling were usual.

"Aye shorty!"

But I had to pretend like I didn't care. That I enjoyed it. That was part of the job too. So I just giggled in response.

"You're so sweet~!" A drunken mech shouted out. I was familiar with that comment. It was screeched daily. But these mechs..

They were nothing but strangers to me.

~~A stranger....a stranger..~~

But I needed the money...I let out a small sigh and hooked my arm around the pole, giving an arousing gaze to the lucky mechs that had a full view.

~~C-c-candy from a stranger~~

I let the catcalls begin as I started my dance..

~~Excuse me mama, you're sick~~

My name is y/n.

~~Sweeter than that Hershey's kiss~~

Is shouldn't be working here, yet I am. The most popular nightclub in all of Cybertron. Owned by some big shot 'Con.

~~Come be my dessert in this~~

And of course, I was the best dancer. My movements were fluid and neat.

~~I'll put my spoon in your dip!~~

Well, not the best. But the owner was impressed.

~~Ooh! We got one night only!~~

At least that's what some of the bouncers told me.

~~Hope you brought some Jolly ranchers for me~~

A random mech tried to seduce me by moving his digit in and out of his servo shaped into a circle. (👌👈)
I scoffed and moved closer.

Thunderhoof x Reader (Oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu