Pacify Her

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(The femme doesn't exactly have to be Arcee. I'm just using her for the pic. In fact, it could be a bitch at your school that you hate! Just pretend she's a femme for this scenario! XD)

-Your at the academy in this scenario. You attend along with your other classmates. Among them being Thunderhoof. You had a crush on him. But then again, who didn't? He used to be bullied because of his antlers, but as vorns passed he developed into one fine piece of metal. The thing is, he was already taken. There were many femmes that fawned over him, but no one was compared to you. It irked you so much that your Thunder was taken from you. You'd do anything to have him. Anything.-

Your POV:

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Your POV:

~~Tired blue boy walks my way
Holding a girl's hand~~

I sighed as I walked to my next class. What was the point anyway? There was no fragging point!
Actually, that's a lie. There was one reason that made attending the academy totally worth it.
He was worth it. 

That tall, well built blue frame. 

Those blazing red optics. 


He was worth it.

I saw him as I walked into my next class, with her

~~That basic bitch leaves finally,
Now I can take her man~~

Thunderhoof x Reader (Oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now