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Pan »

Keeping Alessandra in a coma, for nearly a week now, is possibly the nicest thing I could ever do for her, after what Pan had done for her.

There was a storm rising over Neverland, but not your usual rain and spots of thunder and lightning. It was a storm that surged across the realms with fear and hatred, feeding off the thoughts villains and evil doings.

Nonetheless gnawing on the bones of the innocent people who feared their lives and cowered away in their straw shacks from reality in hope to avoid danger in death, knowing the evils of the realms had them wrapped around their finger.

Neverland was always hit the worst, me being the only real terror and villain, my anger over a year that builds up gets released- my anger violently reflecting back on the island. 

The angrier I am during the course of a year depends how long and how destructive and deadly the storm will be. Odd how it is, once when I was wrathful to the point where Felix even told me I was tumultuous and was being an inadequate leader towards the Lost Boys.

I gave him the scar that runs diagonally over his nose, down from the bottom of his forehead to his mid-cheek the second after he finished talking and dismissed him without a single word.

He had forgiven me later that day because I had apologized. I had never apologized to any Lost Boy before and to this day, except to Felix, that was actually meaningful- after all, he was the first boy I recruited.

The howls and screams of the winds sometimes manage to slide into the cracks and crevices of the Lost Boys tree houses and drives them mad, but nobody knows why.

The ones who didn't kill themselves from the horrors said the wind causes you to see things, to relive the hellish lifestyle they once lived in before Neverland in an eternal cycle, repeating slide after slide with no escape. The only escape is death.

I tremendously feared for Alessandra after a vision I received after nearly choking her to death, the vision displaying the winds of the storm making her hallucinate, nearly gutting herself with my dagger, still to this day I was still battering myself with how she even got ahold possession of it considering it's holstered in my belt within the vision.

I stared out my window as the thunderous, malevolent black clouds clouded up over the oceans from the north, flashes of lightning flickering throughout the blackness that will soon engulf Neverland.

My eyelids narrowed as the waves in the ocean began to rise and fall angrily, building tension as it slowly swam towards the shores underneath the thick pillars of death and destruction.

Pan has decided it is best to awaken her, to test her.

His next game for the storm.

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