Chapter 5.

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Imran kept replaying the incident at the Khan's mansion. He was surprised he hadn't grabbed the opportunity to mock 'too religious' people as Jasmine had done. But truth be told, he hadn't wanted to involve himself in the girls arguments. Plus he hadn't wanted to offend Rahinnat, and that was what irritated him most.

Why would he care if she took offence about his point of view and beliefs when he never did in the past? Besides she had no problem about stating her own points of view and gave no thought about anybody taking offence.

His fascination with her is getting stronger too. He had met many religious girls in the past, he even dated some in his teenage years but none of them prepared him for this Blue Eyed beauty. He had never seen anyone quite like her. She was so so different from the type of girls he's used to. She was so simple and straight forward. He could tell she wasn't a hypocrite who say something and does another thing like many religious people.. At least he guessed she was.

And now his fascination is growing into an attraction.

Oh great. Has his life turned that boring that he is now getting attracted to a religious extremist? Maybe the long hours he's been spending at work is finally taking it's toll on him.

Yes she was very beautiful but he doesn't get attracted to every beautiful woman he meets...well not always anyways, he thought sheepishly.
Beautiful or not he's never going to let his stupid attraction for her grow. And he'll have just the thing to overcome it at Uncle Amin's birthday party at the Khan's resident in two days time.

He is sure his meaningless fancy to the religious extremist would be all but a distant memory before that night was over. He just couldn't wait to be rid of this nuisance of a feeling.


Two days later, Rahinnat was cursing herself for allowing Nafisat to talk her into attending her father's birthday party. She spent the walk from her home to the Khan's mansion trying to convince herself that maybe  it wouldn't be as bad as she was thinking it would be.  Still she couldn't shake her apprehension no matters how much she tried to convince herself.

When she finally reached the Khan's mansion, she rang the door bell. Deenat, one of the house helps was the one who opened the door for her.

"Welcome Miss Rahinnat, come in. Miss Nafisat is still upstairs getting ready." The young house help said. Rahinnat looked around and was happy to  discovered she was early.  At least that took away the possibility of being stared at like a freak that came with being late.

Now all she had to do was find a background she could blend into after helping with the last minute arrangements, and of course before the guests start arriving.

She must say, the Khan's living room looked impressive.  It looked  more like a ballroom than a living room now. Free of all the couches and decorated in beautiful soft  blue and white colors. 

As she was observing the changes in the living room Rahinnat noticed Nafisat coming down the stairs in a magnificent cream colored gown, a shiny sky blue hijab that reached all the way to her shoulder with matching heels. All in all, Nafisat looked like a princess.

Though Rahinnat was not a vain person, Nafisat's dress made her feel out of place in her flowery pink and white conservative gown, black elbow length hijab, black shoes and purse. That feeling made her feel petty.

"Assalamalaikum, Rahinnat,  I'm so happy to see you made it." Nafisat said sounding so happy that Rahinnat was glad she kept her word about attending the party, Nafisat gave her a tight hug. Though parties weren't her thing,  she'll go through the discomfort to keep her friend happy.

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