Chapter Two: One Step Closer to Marriage

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I have been feeling positive about myself. However, my hospital supervisor wanted to see me. He was telling me that I have been doing a good job at the hospital and he was very impressed with the way I have been kind to the patients. My boss said that I have made an excellent performance with the job. She also said that the new Chief Nursing Officer position will make more money and I was happy. Then she wanted to make sure that this new job will help me work with the teams of nurses to help out with the patients. I told her that I would love to become CNO because I deserved it. She asked, "Will you accept the promotion of Chief Nursing Officer, Brittney?" I said, "I accept." However, she was excited. I got a promotion. I was promoted to Chief Nursing Officer. I felt like I was being blessed when my boss offered me the new position. However, before I went to lunch, my coworkers congratulated me on my promotion. After that, I went to lunch. However, after I got my lunch and sat down at the table, I get a call from Trey.


I answered the phone and said "Hello?"

Trey said "Hey, baby."

I said "Hey, you."

Trey said "How is work going at the hospital?"

I said "Baby, I have some good news to tell you."

Trey said, "What's the good news?"

I said "I just got a promotion today."

Trey said, "You did?"

I said, "Yes."

Trey said, "What's the promotion?"

I said, "Well, I have been promoted to Chief Nursing Officer."

Trey said "That's great. I am so happy for you. We should go out to celebrate tonight."

I said "Ok. That's a good idea. After I get home from work today, we will go out and celebrate."

Trey said "Ok. What I need you to do for me is to get dolled up, baby, and I want you to wear that necklace I gave you to go with the outfit you're gonna wear tonight. Can you do that for me?"

I said "I will definitely do that for you, Trey."

Trey said "OK. Tonight, we will go out to celebrate your promotion you got at the hospital. I will pick you up at 7:00pm. Be ready."

I said "I will, boo. I got to get back to work, Trey. I'll see you tonight."

Trey said "Ok. I'll call you tonight to let you know that I'm on my way to pick you up for our date."

I said "Ok."

Trey said "I love you."

I said "I love you, too."

Trey said "Bye, baby."

I said "Bye."

After I got off the phone with Trey, I went back to eating lunch before going back to work. After lunch, I went back to work. The supervisor told me to help one of the doctors with one of his patients who is suffering from abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant. I ran some tests on the patient and in less than 5 minutes, I got the results back. I went to get the results and went back to the patient to tell her the diagnosis. The patient was wondering what was causing her abdominal pain.

I said "Miss, I got your test results. You are two weeks pregnant with your first child. Congratulations." Letting my patient know about the test results.

However, the patient was shocked to learn that she was two weeks pregnant.

The patient thanked me for helping her out. Another patient was suffering some pain in her neck. I gave the patient some medicine to help out with the pain. It was almost time to go home so I had to take care of one more patient. It was close to 4:30 pm so I checked out of work, got in my car and left to go home. It was the best day I ever had. I didn't get home until 5:00 pm. However, I only had one hour to get ready for my date with Trey. After I got home, I quickly ran upstairs to take a quick shower. I got out of the shower and dried off. I put my lotion to feel soft to the touch. I put on my favorite dress I love to wear for Trey, fixed up my hair, put on my makeup, and I was ready to go. I walked downstairs to sit in the living room to wait for Trey. While I was waiting for Trey. I was a little hungry. I fixed myself something to eat. Then I get a call on my cell. It was Trey.

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