DDM Harry

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Y/N used to be the perfect daughter she was obedient she didn't talk back and respect her elders she did everything the way it supposed to be now you will asked why I said used to because y/n she change for the worst her father harry styles a successful world known singer was never strict with her well not more than any father had to be .but now all he seems to be doing is punishing he's little girl so that's how he end up reading online ways to get he's teenager daughter back on track!
Harry's p.o.v
This one is interesting I have been online for about 2 hours and I think that I have found a way to get my daughter back on track so this site said be the strictest you can and if yelling doesn't work then use your authority take away every think she owns and start to ignore her to glance at her don't praise her don't talk to her nothing you have to be as cold as possible making her feel like you don't love her anymore .
Well its going to be hurt but it has to work !.

Y/n p.o.v.
"Y/n go to the principals office NOW!" My math teacher screamed why? Because I plant a color bag in her chair once she sat on it it explode and she was covered in green color like an alien hahahah
"Fine E.T " I sass and left the class laughing at my accomplishment I have been turning to the "dark side" ever since my dad decided that we move from Cheshire to London because of his job besides if he didn't want to listen to me fine I will do the same either way he is wiped around my finger he can never be mad at me after all I am he's favourite girl hhah
I entered the principals office told her what happens she sight and called dad here we go again
My phone rang I answer it it was my daughter s principal she asked me to go to y/n school because she was in trouble again so now I am in my car I think its time to be strict its time she gets back on the right path
At the principals office
"Hi Mr styles so sorry to have to brink you here. "
"Its okay "
After she explain to me what happened I was furious she got suspend for the 3 time and last time we got home without a word once inside she starts to walk towards her room
2 hours later she came back running and talking to me
"Dad why haven't you yelled at me because if you are waiting to get me by surprise it won't work "
I ignored her
2 days later
Its been two days since I started to ignore her I was going to go for one more day but this morning while I walked past her bedroom I heard sobs I entered her room to see my baby girl on tears I lay down with her and hold her as soon as she felt my hands on her she turned around and clung on to me and cried saying how sorry she was that she want us to be like before thank god that site was right
Y/n p.o.v
As soon as my dad hold me I clung on to him crying and repeating
How sorry I was and once he calmed me down I was about to fall asleep I heard that 3 words I have been waiting for 2 days my dad said....
Harry's p.o.v.
I said I love you baby girl always and forever and from then on I never had to ignore her again !!!!
A massive thank you to Moments_Aylin thanks love for requesting I hope you like it let your votes and comments below thank you xoxo

One Direction imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora