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Hi my name is y/n Tomlinson and I am 15 I got adopted by the Tomlinson family 2 weeks ago am diabetic and all in my family knew expect my brother Louis hr just meat. Me 2 days ago now its time for my medicine I need one shot of insulin every day and me sure my glad sugar as I was about to get my shot Louis comes in and takes the needle and starts yelling at me about doing drugs and stuff I can't hear him any more I have terrible stomach pain and pass out
Louis p.o.v
While I yelled an scold her about doing drugs she screamed in pain and pass out only then I noticed the small metal necklace  she is diabetic I look at the drug in my arms and sure enough its her insulin I gave her the shot but she doesn't wake up I call 991 we got to the hospital our parents came I told them the truth and I broke down blaming my self for just assuming my mom said I didn't know and that she is a fighter she will make it thru this the Dr came and said we can see her but she is in a comma and don't know when she will wake up I cry again and go into her room and apologise to her Dr said she can hear me probably so I start singing to her and vowing to my self and her do not live her side I just wish I knew please god let her live ....
For Kikhoran_1993 enjoy love 

 For Kikhoran_1993 enjoy love 

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