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Hi my name is y

I am 15 and I have a twin named tianna my dad is Liam Payne from 1 direction you would have thought he is a caring loving father well he is when it comes to my twin he doesn't care about he used to but not anymore.
For the past 2\5 months he yells at me curses at me pushing me around I have a lot of bruises because he pushed me really hard and I fall on the ground he stopped cooking for me so I have been going to uncles Niall's place to eat with him and sometimes I stay there he doesn't have any kids and he treats me like his own
It feels good to be wanted.
My dad came home today and he brought food for tianna I was hungry so I asked if I could get some too but he start yelling at me "no y

you are old enough go make your own food you brat " that was it I run and run but not too far as I was running a car hit me and I blacked out I woke up in a hospital I try to move but I couldn't feel my legs I open my eyes to see Dad tianna and uncle niall by my side everything came back to me I start sobbing my dad try to console me but I pushed him off of me my uncle told him to go and the last think I told him "you are not my dad "
5years later I am 20 years old I leave with my new dad niall he adopted me right away after the accident I got paralysed but niall found the best Dr and now am on my way to recover actually I am about to walk right now today its Niall's birthday and I wanna walk for the first time alone " are you ready you know I am gonna catch you don't be afraid love" and that's all I needed to start walking small steps getting bigger and bigger within minuets I was in Niall's arms and he was praising me as to how good I did and how proud he is of me and all I said was" happy birthday daddy I love you"

The end massive thank you toKikhoran_1993 for requesting
Xoxo Queen Bee

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