Little Do You Know

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Ok so if you didn't know, about the first sad edit in their video.
Colby's POV

Little do you know how im breaking when you fall asleep.
This song (or lyric I guess) described me perfectly and the way I felt for Sam. I had liked my roommate for about an year now and it was getting out of hand.

Sam's POV
So you know how Colby like....acted sad when the video was over? Yeah this is about that.
That video didn't seem that bad to me but when I saw Colby next to me.....he was crying.
"H-hey dude what's wrong?"
"Faq japwkwh www" ( Colby can't talk because he's crying if you didn't figure it out).
Dafuq did he just say?
"Um....was it me?"
Colby shook his head no.
"Is it like something...personal?"
He nodded.
"You know you can tell me anything right? Especially if it makes you cry all of a sudden."
Colby shook his head violently (no he's not having a seizure).
"Come on dude...I'm your best friend! Maybe even something more." I mumbled the last part but Colby still heard.
" want to be more than friends?" Colby asked hopefully.
"Um... I-I um.. oh...I just thought......" MAJOR FLOP.
"No no no it's ok I like you too!" Colby said.
Oh jesus christ what do I do now um aj fee wixkckwhdhwiqkdnn.
"Yeah...I-I like y-you too." He said again less hopeful now. I didn't have to respond, I just kissed him. And hard. He soon melted in to me and..........


I'm kidding they started planning they're YouTube coming out video, had movie nights snuggled up on the couch, slept in Sam's (it made Sam into Santa for whatever reason) bed, Sam of course being the little spoon, and eventually Colby proposed to Sam and they are now planning their wedding day. ( so I guess I wasn't lying about the married part but here's like a little marriage scene for you guys)

"Do you, Sam, take Colby as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"And do you, Colby, take Sam to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I now pronounce you husband and husband. Kiss and stuff ok."
And so we did. We decided to stay back on all the parties and go back to our apartment and go back to what started it all..... another movie night.


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