"Oh, hey guys. Wassup?" I asked with sleep edged into my voice.

"Nothin much, we heard from Ms. Takeda that you're stuck home so we came to check up on ya!" Gracie-chan exclaimed happily!

"Also, we wanted to hand you these!" Mikasa-chan took two long and thin sheets of paper out of her pocket and held them out to me. I grabbed them and read over one of them. They were softball tickets for this Saturday, April second.

"Are you guys on the team??" I asked surprisedly.

I looked up at the trio and they each nodded with enthusiasm. "Yep!" they all cheered at once.

I smiled. "Well, I'll be happy to go see the game! Is this other ticket for Sora?" I asked as I held up both tickets in my hand.

"Yeah, unless he doesn't wanna go. Then it can be for Cana-onee-chan. Or someone else..." Sahara-chan explained.

"I'm sure Sora will want to come!" I assured.

"Yeah. See you soon Mina-onee-chan! We gotta get back to my apartment now," Sahara-chan said as they each said their goodbyes.

"Alright, can't wait for Saturday!" I exclaimed excitedly as I closed the door behind them.

Once they were gone, I was yet again left in silence. Complete silence. Sometimes I'm happy to have silence and peace, all for myself. But other times, it's painful. It reminds you how alone you are in such a huge world.

I've never been able to have friends as a young child because of my social status, I guess I just got used to not talking to anyone. That must be the reason why I'm so alone and miserable.

But then, I met Sora. He made me feel like I had a place in this world. Along with Cana-chan, Sahara, Gracie, Mikasa, and Ms. Takeda. No one ever payed attention to me before they came along.

'Man am I lucky to have them as friends...' I thought with glee.

I walked back to the dining room table and sat down on the fluffy cushion on the chair. There it sat. The stupid, ugly propaganda poster. Like, what the heck is a propaganda poster anyways??

A/N: Seriously, what is it? I had to do one for History over the weekend and I'm just doing what Mina is doing. I have no idea what the heck a propaganda poster is at all. At least my teacher said she liked it a lot! xD

"DARN YOU PROPAGANDA POSTER!!!" I yelled in fury just as the door opened again.

"Uhh... Are you ok Mina?" Sora asked me as I rested my head on the table again.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Doesn't sound like it!" he said with a chuckle.

"Hey, what happened yesterday?" I asked as I lifted my head back up to look at him.

"What do you mean?" Sora questioned as he walked towards the table with two bottles of strawberry flavored Fanta in his hand.

"After I was knocked out. What happened to your dad? How did I get home?"

"Well, as you hit the metal pole and was knocked out, I snuck up behind my dad and whacked him with his own bat. He fell to the ground and I chucked the bat. Then, I carried you home bridal style. Now, it's my turn to ask the questions," Sora explained. He had a sad expression plastered on his face.

"Ok, shoot," I said. I pretended to not notice his expression and continued drawing a calendar and two test papers.

"Why did you do it? Why did you confront my father who had a bat while you were empty handed? You knew you would get hurt! So why?"

The Girl He SavedWhere stories live. Discover now