Chapter 21

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked. She flinched at my tone and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"No, sorry isn't going to cut it this time. You let me go this long, making him suffer and not letting him explain and making a complete fool out of myself and didn't have the nerve to tell me that it wasn't his fault?" I practically shouted at the girl. She hung her head.

"Dammit," I said to myself. How could I have let myself believe that he had actually done something like that? How could I have let myself believe that he would lie to me.

"Hey, Ash-"

"Not now, Mike. Where's Luke?" I asked in a hurry. He looked at me, curiosity in his eyes, and he pointed and mumbled about his dressing room. I patted his arm quickly as I walked in the area that my brother pointed in. I practically ran down the hallway, glancing at the signs on the doors until I found the one I was looking for. I knocked quickly and loudly and I felt my leg shaking in anticipation. I waited for  what seemed like forever, probably only being a few minutes, before I knocked again.

"Okay! Jesus, what-" Luke cut himself off as he saw me standing in front of him. I took a few seconds to take in his figure. He was shirtless, having just been in the shower by the looks of his sopping hair. His eyes were dull, no longer shining the miraculous blue I fell in love with. Purple rings outlined his bloodshot eyes, and as I looked at him, tears filled my own.

I did that.

I rejected him and I made him feel like it was all his fault and I never gave him a chance to explain. I should have listened when he wanted to talk. He was getting negative comments on his performance because of me.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, not trusting my voice. I watched as his eyes teared up and he reached out, roughly pulling me to his chest.

"No, no, I'm so sorry, Ash. I shouldn't have let her kiss me I should've known that that was what she wanted  can't believe-"

"I should have let you explain, Luke. Your career was suffering because I was too stubborn to shut my mouth and listen to something other than myself-"

"I'm so sorry," we both said together. I giggled lightly as I wiped the tears off his face. He kissed the drops off my cheeks and looked me in my eyes.

"I love you so much, Ashley. I want you to know that I will never do anything to hurt you ever again,"

I felt more tears fall out of my eyes and I shook my head.

"Luke, I should've listened to you. When she told me that you didn't kiss back, I couldn't believe that I let myself believe that you would hurt me like that. I-"

"It's okay. I love you so much, I'm never letting you go,"


"I swear to God if you ever hurt her again, you will regret it," Ryan said, pushing Luke up against the wall. Michael was behind him within seconds, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist and pulling him back.

"Ryan, what the hell!" I yelled. We hadn't been in the room five minutes and he was already threatening to kill Luke.

"I'm not going to let him get away with leaving you like that!" he yelled back. I rolled my eyes.

"Ryan less than twenty four hours ago you were all buddy-buddy with him! C'mon! Is this how you would act if we would have split for good? For fuck's sake, your boyfriend is his best friend!" I yelled. Luke had recoverd, lightly grabbing onto the back of my arms to pull me back.

"Ashley, you're my best friend and It kills me to see you hurt," Ryan said, softer this time. I shook out of Luke's grasp and walked up to my best friend, placing my hands on his cheeks and looking into his eyes.

"If I thought that he would hurt me again, I wouldn't have wanted to mend anything. Ryan, I can look after myself. I promise I'll be okay," I said, softer this time. He pondered my answer for a few moments before he nodded slowly, hesitantly accepting my answer. I made sure he wasn't going to go after Luke again before I let him go. I grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him passed everyone to get to the bedroom.

"Ashley," he said. I turned around to looked at him, but was immediately crashed into. I felt soft lips on  mine and smiled, placing my hands on his waist as his cupped my cheeks. We stood there for five minutes, kissing and mumbling sweet nothings o each other. I smiled at him and pecked his lips one last time before I pulled away. I laughed at his pouting face and pulled him into the bathroom with me.


I woke the next morning with hot air blowing down my neck and a breeze chilling my chest. I pulled the sheets over me as I turned over to face Luke. I looked over his sleeping face for a few moments before I kissed his nose softly. I watched in amusement as his nose scrunched at the contact.

As I stared at my beautiful boyfriend, I couldn't stop my mind from reeling. In the span of a few months, I had gone from and only child to having three brothers and another brother and sister on the way. I went from single and bitter to happily involved with the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I went from having nothing to having everything, including a promising career. I couldn't be happier with anything that has happened to me. I'm incredibly thankful for everything that I have been through, because if none of that had happened, I wouldn't be incredibly, unexplainably, irreversibly in love with my brother's best friend.


A/N: I'm sorry, but this is the end.

I have run out of ideas for the plotline of this story, and I can't get myself to be able to fill in any holes with the plot I want to go with. If I were to keep writing this, it would be cringey and I don't think I would be very proud of it.

I am sad that I have to bring this to an end so early, but I do have plans for other stories and I hope that you can take the time to check them out.

thank you for reading this story, and I know it wasn't the best, but I want to thank you anyways for taking the time to click on it.

all the love,

      m xxx

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