Chapter 21

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Stiles and I are waiting for his car to be finished after Erica rendered it useless. "Hey! What do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter." Stiles says. "It looks like your whole exhaust system has got to be replaced." The mechanic states. "Why do I get the feeling you are slightly over estimating the damage?" I question. "Probably will run you around 1200 parts and labor." The mechanic says ignoring me. "Are you kidding. This thing doesn't even have a catalytic converter. Yes I know what a catalytic converter is." Stiles states.

"Do you know what the differential is? No? More like 1500." He says. "How about you fix his Jeep and replace all of those fancy parts you just mentioned for free." I compel the mechanic. "You know what. this will be on the house." He states. "I'll just be over here thinking about how amazing my girlfriend is." Stiles says. Stiles' hand reaches the knob and something gets on his hands. "Real sanitary." Stiles comments. "What is that?" I question touching it.

"Why would you touch it?" Stiles asks. "I can't get sick. Might as well." I state. My hand starts going numb. "What the hell?" I question. Stiles is reacting in the same way. I see the reptileish creature that Scott mentioned take down the mechanic. Stiles' Jeep is being lowered into him and he can't move. At this point the paralysis has spread throughout my body.

Stiles is thrashing around successfully calling 911 but not being able to answer. Before the paralysis completely sets in I am able to grab Stiles' hand. Stiles sounds like he's in the beginning stages of a panic attack. "Stiles you need to breathe. I'm right here with you." I say. The creature stares right at us and it gives me an uneasy feeling. Then it disappears.

The paralysis wears off on me before it does Stiles, probably has something to do with me being able to heal. "Why can you move and I can't?" Stiles questions. "You're human. It'll wear off soon, don't worry." I assure him. Right when Stiles is able to get off the ground police rush in.

"I told you. I walked in and saw the Jeep on top of the guy." Stiles states. We're sitting in an ambulance, something about discovering a body being a traumatic event. "What's wrong with your hand?" Stilinski questions. He probably hasn't regained all feeling in it. "Nothing can we just get out of here now?" Stiles asks. "Look if there's something you do't think you can tell me-" Stilinski begins but is cut off by Stiles, "Do you think I'm lying?" "Of course not I'm just worried about you." Stilinski explains.

I walk away to let them have a moment. After 2 minutes Stiles walks over to me. "So they impounded my Jeep. Looks like we're walking home." Stiles states. "It's a nice night for a walk, so why not? Moving our limbs will probably do us good." I reply. "What the hell was that thing?" Stiles asks. "I have no clue at all. My knowledge of the supernatural is limited to vampires, werewolves, witches, doppelgangers, and hybrids." I say. "You know more than most, so that's a plus. I just hope we never have to see that thing again. The way it was looking at us gave me the creeps." Stiles admits. "I find it highly unlikely that we won't see it again." I state.

The next day at school was definitely an interesting one. "So sorry about the other day. I am trying. We will get through this. Um, I know, because I love you. I love you more than oh my God. You and Allison need to find a better way to communicate." Stiles states. "Come on you are the only one we can trust. Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asks. "Yes! Okay message complete. Plus you could trust Lia to do this. Now tell me about your boss." Stiles demands.

"He thinks the Argent's family keeps records of all of the things they've hunted. Like a book." Scott says. "Probably a bestiary." Stiles suggests. "I think you mean bestiality." Scott wrongly corrects. "No a bestiary." Stiles and I say at the same time.  "It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures." Stiles states. "How am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this?" Scott questions. "It is like a priority of mine, being friend and boyfriend of creatures of the night." Stiles explains. "If we can find it and it can tell us who that is and what that is we need that book." Scott states.

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