13/04/16: DIY&Organisation

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One DIY and one organisation hack, you might want to know.

String Sign.
Step One: Print, or cut out large letters, whatever size you like and have the letters spell out a bands name, for example Bring Me The Horizon.
Step Two: After carefully cutting out the letters, use a ruler to equally space them out along your wall, in whatever style you like. Then use a small piece of blue tack or anything that will stick to the wall and easily come off without peeling off the wallpaper.
Step Three: With nails carefully hammer them into wall around the edges of the letter with about a centimetre or two between each, then once completed remove the paper letters from the wall. Remember to not hammer them in fully, but try to keep them all about the same.
Step Four: Take a long piece of string, yarn or ribbon, remember how much you need will vary depending on the size of the letters and how many letters you have. Take the end of your, for example, string and tie it around one of the nails.
Step Five: Drag the string across the nail opposite, not next to, it. and continue to go along zig zagged, back and forth between the letter, be careful to only do one letter at a time and for instance with the letter o and others with holes, do not put the string on the inside. Then finally once done, tie it off on the last nail and repeat for the rest of the letters.

Organising Hack.
Spare Change.
Now we all know what its like to find random coins in our bedrooms or around the house, and you just don't have anywhere to put them so they end up on the floor or scattered across your desk ect.. well for this organisation hack, all you need is any pen -a sharpie or something of the type would probably be better- paper, glue and three jars.
Now if you want you can just print the paper if you don't have a pen,
Anyways so you need three jars, more or less is up to you- Id choose three.
Now this is really simple, so all you need to do is write on your paper 'Concert Tickets' 'Posters' and 'Merch' then cut them out and glue them neatly onto your jars, so there you have it a place for all your spare change and an eas

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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