"Stop stop stop IT!" you yelled trying not to cry because you were freaked out and all you wanted was for it to stop and Zak so you yelled his name hoping he'd hear you

"ZAK!!!!" you yelled and he was there in what felt like forever but was only a minute or so. as you felt alone and surrounded by a hundred people in one tiny space it was a hall way but felt like you were in a tiny closet.


Myself and Jay were fixing up the static night vision cameras and making sure all the leads were in properly. The last thing I wanted was a camera outage because of a loose wire.

Trust me. It's happened..

"Hey is Y/N okay?" Jay asked.

 "Yeah, I think so." I replied, not knowing how true that was.. Jay was quiet so he noticed the dynamics of the group quicker. Aaron was observant and often picked up the atmosphere, but Jay was a league ahead with noticing if something is up, I put it down to watching us on camera throughout the night so much. 

"She just seems.. I don't know... Off?" He replied.

Ash came down as I moved to another room to set up Jay took Ash to where we decided a decent shot would be.

I set up the camera and radioed Billy. 

"How's it looking Bill?"

"All good bro." He radioed back.

Jay rejoined me a few minutes later as we headed up to the floor Y/N was on. "Listen about y/n..." Jay began, but the doors opened and stood there was Y/N. 

She waved us off and swapped places, taking a step into the lift. I noticed she looked a little redder on the face and just under her sunglasses I could tell the furious wiping of her eyes.

"The sun is bugging me, getting a headache. I'll be fine after some aspirin." She said before I had even a chance to question it. 

I knew Y/N knew I had seen the soreness of her cheeks just under her eyes.

She pulled me into a hug and I wasted no time in burying my face into her neck, taking in her perfume. 

"I'm sorry I'm such a bitch to you." She mumbled before letting me go.

 Y/N stepped back onto the lift and pressed the button. I held her eye and in that moment my heart hit the pit of my stomach.. Which had fallen out from behind me.

 Or at least it felt like it.

The metal door cut our eye contact and it marked our friendship. In that single moment it marked it all between us, our friendship, our bond... Our closeness. 

She had just lied to me, lied to my face and I knew it. I had seen the lie and she knew by giving me a hug to try and mask it?

I felt deceit and betrayal by her. Why was she lying?! To me? Out of everyone she felt the need to lie to me?!

"Zak?" Jay spoke breakingmy glare at the metal doors.

"S-sorry." I shook myself and turned my attention back to work.

It proved a lot harder and eventually a camera tripod brought it to a head.

"Damn it!" I shouted, kicking it to the floor.

"Woah bro, what's up?"

"This stupid tripod!"

"No, I mean, what's wrong? You know how to do theses. Something is bothering you." He answered, setting it up instantly.

Zak Bagans imagines and short stories #TheWattysWhere stories live. Discover now