Santa wish (part 3)

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It was Christmas Eve day and it'd had been a few weeks since the Santa visit. Everything was nice for about a week and then it seemed to go back to normal between the two of you it confused you and frustrated you at the same time.

You were curled up in bed just starting to wake up, you didn't get a chance to go home this year for Christmas so just decided to stay there this Christmas plus you couldn't afford a ticket after what you had spent on Christmas this year with your family and Zak, as you lay there and look over to your windows and watch the birds and clouds fly by as you heard a knock, you sit up slow and cover up it had gotten kinda chilly in Vegas this time of year.

"Who is it?" You yawn

"Just me...can I come In, are you decent?" Zak says

You look at your door and sigh some "yah come in" you say and grab the robe from the end of your bed.

He walked in and seen you and he bit his cheek some and came over, "so I have something to ask you" he says standing by your bed.

"Well, go on," you say

"Well, since you couldn't go home for Christmas I was thinking maybe you could come spend it with me and my family?" He offers.

You look up at him "Zak I don't know I don't want to intrude on your family" you say

"It's fine, really I asked my sister and mom and they're missing you anyway, so why not?" He shrugs

You bit your tongue "ok fine" was all you say and begin to lay back down

"Wannahavebreakfast I cooked" he said

"Ok, just a little something" you say and get up and tie your robe shut and walk downstairs with him.

You reach the bottom of the stairs and see lots more presents, by the tree "those weren't there when I went to bed" you say making him smirk "Santa came early there are a lot for you," he says, "what from who?" you say and start to walk over, "nope, no peeking" he grabs your arm gently "food and then getting ready to go over to my sisters for presents and dinner" he says

"Fine" you say and go over and make a small plate of food not really in the mood to eat very much.

After the two of you finish he cleans up and you go and shower, do your hair and get dressed as Zak did the same, him taking a little longer than you. You fix the last bit of your hair and slid on some nice heels and walk down and wait for him to finish "come on I took less time than you, do you girl!" You call up the stairs and out he comes from around the corner dressed in a nice black button up shirt and some nice pants that fit him nicely. You kinda stare at him as he comes down, putting on his watch, having not seen you yet.

Just as he did, he seen your black heels and then his eyes traveled up your long smooth legs to about your thighs and sees your curve fitting black dress and he had to force his eyes forward past your chest and up to your eyes finally.

"Wow" was all he could say all, that's all that would come out, he was stunned to say the least, it's not like he's never seen you dressed up before but it was like it was the first time he's seen you all over again.

You look at him "good wow or bad wow?" You asked

"Huh, good definitely good," he says

"Ok, thank you" you smile softly and grab your sweater and coat and he helps you put them on and the two of you go over to his mom.

You reach the house in about twenty minutes later and get out of his Range Rover and grab presents then proceed to the door right behind him. He knocks on the door and his niece and nephew open with big smiles "Uncle Zak!" They yell and hug him tight making you smile and come inside with them.

Zak Bagans imagines and short stories #TheWattysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz