*&. Chapter Four ;

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Trigger warnings: This chapter is a little bloody to say the least just so you know in advance.


Harry's voice bellowed after me. I knew he was chasing me, but I couldn't care less. I didn't even know him and somehow my father assumed I'd just be okay with going with a complete stranger. When I had no idea what the hell what was happening I may add.

Was I scared? Of course I was. Was I going to show that? Hell no.

I'll be damned if I made it seem to everyone that I was weak. Running away showed just that in my eyes. I bolted as fast as my heels would take me to the stables. I greeted by an already unsettled Lightning, who could obviously sense something bad was happening. "Shhh, it's okay boy." I cooed before hopping on his back quickly secured his halter. I didn't bother with his saddle as it would have taken up too much time. So I decided to deal with the idea of it being highly uncomfortable.

I looked down to my gown which was now covered in mud at the bottom from where I had ran across the grass. I picked up the edge of the dress before tearing it up the side enough so that my leg was a little more free. After that I had hopped onto my horses' back whipping the ropes attached to his head collar. "Lightning, go!" He neighed before galloping towards the front gates of the castle. "Hugh, Trent. Open the gates!"

They argued back with me refusing to do so, which evidently I wasn't pleased with, I didn't have to time persuade people into things. "Open the gates or I'll open them myself." I growled back at them as I tried to steady Lightning for the time being. Unwillingly they finally opened up the gates. I wasted no time in getting Lightning to race towards Niall's village.

I looked back over my shoulder, spotting that I had momentarily lost the green eyed boy. I nodded in approval to myself before looking forward again. "Hey-yah!" I yelled getting my steed to go faster.

Screams echoed through the air, the slight scent of metallic blood and burning wood filled my nose. I cringed at the sight as I had finally reached the village within ten minutes.

I jumped off of Lightning's back holding my hands up. "You need to stay." I tied his harness to the nearby pole before running into the village more. I squeaked, my hands flying to my face to protect it as I heard a gun shot of a nearby pistol. I looked around, a light bulb practically lighting up the sky above my head as I spotted the blacksmiths.

Without any other chance to speak I ran inside. The blacksmith's eyes widened, he obviously recognised me as Stacy... Or whatever my fake name was. Damn the adrenaline was making me forget virtually everything. I picked up the side of my dress that was wasn't torn looking around frantically. "I need daggers, swords, throwing knifes... Anything!" I gasped ducking again hearing a bang. "Quickly!" I pleaded over to the blacksmith who jogged around before lobbing a bunch of weapons and holster on the side. I dug through them picking out a few good poniard and stiletto daggers, tying them to my legs underneath my skirt and on my corset. The blacksmith had helped me strap a holster or two so I could hold more weapons. A pair of sai swords were attached to my hips and finally i picked up a short sword. I couldn't really go with a long sword due to my height. I learned that through training. What? Sneaking out to the villages and towns wasn't the only thing I did without my father's knowledge.

I knew something like this would happen eventually. I needed to be prepared.

I nodded as a silent thank you to the blacksmith who at that point thankfully didn't care about pay, with the nightmare happening outside and all. I went back outside of the building in haste. My eyes widening seeing a man in black and gold uniform - blatantly not one of my knights - going to stab a small girl. Before he could I slashed his back with my short sword. He groaned in pain as he fell to his knees. He'd soon be dead anyway so I left him as he was.

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