*&. Chapter Two ;

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Kiana's POV;

As Lightning trotted up to the nearest village I smiled. The sound of crowds lingered through the space around me. Nearly everywhere you looked was either someone calling out offers at their market stall, or people walking into shops.

I hopped off of Lightning's back and patted his side gently. "Good boy." I completely him earning a thankful shake of the head off of him. I laughed gently before bringing the side of his face closer to mine so I could kiss him.

I held onto the ropes around him as I led him towards a nearby post. "Now you have to stay here, I won't be long I promise." I explained to him even though I probably looked insane talking to my horse as if he'd just start chatting back to me. Once he was securely tied to the post, I walked over to the nearest wooden market stall.

I slowly removed my hood that was covering the majority of my face. After approaching the market stall which was covered in fruit I picked up a few apples and carrots for Lightning. He'll definitely appreciate those. I paid before placing them in my small satchel styled bag. "Thank you." I smiled politely over to the owner of the stall only to receive a small nod of gratitude.

I looked over to where the bakery was before making my way over. As I walked over to the small building I spotted a homeless man with his dog and frowned slightly. I walked over to them before dropping a few coins into his hat. His eyes widened at how much I gave him. I grinned before petting the scraggy looking retriever. "Miss, thank you so much. Bless you." I giggled a little before reaching into my satchel and pulling out one of the apples I had bought. I'm sure Lightning won't mind one less Apple. "You're very welcome. I'm sorry, I don't have any dog food but here." I passed the man the apple who seemed to be tearing up with joy. Before he could thank me I put my palm up gently. "Please it's no problem I wish I could help more." After sending him a small solemn smile I continued over to the bakery before walking inside.

The scent of freshly baked bread filled my senses. "Mmmm," there was always a joy to the smell in my eyes. I beamed as I marched over to the counter.

A young lad around my age stepped out from the back with a grin forming on his lips. His bright blue eyes gleamed over to me. "Princ --" I cut him off quickly. "Hush! I told you. It's Shelly." I reminded him with a laugh before embracing the blond haired male in a tight hug. "Oh Niall. I've missed you. Regardless of if it has only been a couple of days." We hugged for a few moments before he pulled back.

Niall was really the only person around that knew I was the princess. He did of course have knowledge of my actual name but I decided to come up with a fake name. It'd be too coincidental to have the same name as the princess. Especially since it was already a rare name in itself.

"I missed you too. I've made you six loafs of bread." He spoke up his grin never leaving his lips.

"Thank you. Could you cut up one and -- " he laughed continuing my sentence for me. "Give it out to people yes I know." I rolled my eyes before nodding. "Alright smart ass, -- and save three for you and your family." It was his turn to roll his eyes.

I know he made bread for a living but I still didn't want him to only have left overs. Another thought popped into my mind making me sigh gently. "I wish you could come see me for my birthday in a couple of days." He grimaced slightly before going off to grab two loads of bread for me to put in my bag.

"It's okay. I'll see you at some point we can celebrate your birthday then." I nodded. I really didn't want to have to spend my birthday around royals who I virtually didn't know. It was a drag. All they did was talk about their spoils and land they owned. It happened at any gathering we had. And somehow I always ended up having to dance with some stranger if my father held any kind of ball. I'm pretty certain it was him trying to find me a suitable husband. The thought just sickened me. I was lucky enough to get out of it for this long, but I don't know how long I'd be able to keep it up.

I glanced at the time and immediately gasped. "Oh goodness. I best be off before my father becomes suspicious." I sighed before pulling the Irish lad into a hug before reluctantly letting him go again. "I'll see you soon." I waved before basically jogging out of the front door and over to Lightning.


I had made it back to the stables with a few minutes to spare. I placed the apples and carrots I had got for my horse in his food before kissing his head gently.

After exciting the stables I bolted up the large stairs to my room -- that seemed to never end mind you. Once inside I slipped off my ragged looking dress and cloak before throwing a different, slightly more elegant dress over my head. I took a deep breath trying to regain the air that had left my lungs. I finally slipped off my slightly muddy boats placing them in my wardrobe with my dress and cloak.

It wasn't long before I heard a knock on the door. As I walked out of my room sized walk in wardrobe pulling my hair out of its neatly tied bun I came face to face with my father. "Father. How are you today?"

He nodded slightly looking as if he hadn't suspected anything. A silent wave of relief went through me when he started talking about my birthday. "My darling. Are you listening to me?"

My head snapped back to him as I breathed out slowly. "I'm sorry. It's just a lot, do we really need this much for my birthday? You know I don't mind just something small. A ball really isn't necessary." He shook his head.

"You're having a ball end of discussion. Don't go against my words, Kiana. You know how I feel about people disobeying or disrespecting my wishes." I sighed in defeat at his stern tone. "Yes father."


I groaned quietly in pain as Madeline, our seamstress tightened my corset. "Sorry your highness." I sighed before shaking my head. "It's okay Madeline, you're only doing your job after all."

As my dress was being fitted for my ball tomorrow people came in two by two asking this or that questions. I really didn't care much for anything they were asking. If they held up colours they were normally exactly the same but with different names. If they held up menus, it was always the usual stuff that we had. Nothing really mattered to me. It wasn't like anything I chose made that much difference.

"Sunshine yellow or sunflower yellow." I pointed to a random one heaving for breath as Madeline tightened my dress more, apologising straight after.

My dress was a gorgeous blue with silver trims. My father wanted me to have gold trims but for once I persuaded him to let me have silver. I didn't like gold that much anyway. And since it was for my birthday after all, my father gave in.

After what seemed like hours of fittings and choices I was finally allowed to escape to my room. I put on my night gown before flopping onto my king sized bed. As I looked up to the chandelier on the ceiling I sighed to myself. "Tomorrow is going to be a long day." I uttered before letting myself drift off into a dreamless sleep.


The next chapter is when everything starts to become more well you'll see. ;) and yes Harry will be appearing in the next chapter without a doubt.

I hope you're all liking it so far! xx

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